Analysis of opportunities for improving niche products to increase customer satisfaction



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The research is devoted to the study of market niches features, in particular, the definition of marketing opportunities for the development of market niches based on a deeper understanding the consumer and optimization consumer properties of a niche product. The analysis of the prospects for the development of the niche allows to conclude that it is important to correlate the product with the requirements of niche consumers. The article analyzes the areas of work on in-depth analysis of the needs and values of niche consumers. Both categories play an important role in the existence of niches that are organically dependent on their consumers. It is shown that deepening into the mechanism of value assessments of consumers provides good opportunities for the effective development of niche products. Understanding value orientations allows to determine the target audience more accurately. The article analyzes the approach to the development of a niche product by optimizing the consumer properties of the product, which allows expanding its target audience. The concept is based on the Kim and Mauborgne model, which allows optimizing consumer characteristics. The possibilities of applying Kano's search models for improvement of consumer properties, conjoint analysis and Zwicky's morphological matrix are considered. The possibilities of improving the consumer properties of a niche product based on the analysis of consumer experience are studied. It is shown that at different stages of consumer interaction with a niche product, there are resources to increase customer satisfaction. Approaches to the search for such solutions are discussed. The ways of applying the considered models in practice are shown.

Sobre autores

Boris Tokarev

State University of Management

д.э.н., профессор кафедры маркетинга


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