Interrelationship of welfare and well-being dimensions from a regional perspective



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The article deals with the problems of individual parameters of welfare and well-being at the regional level. The relevance of this research is related to the main guidelines for sustainable development, as well as significant processes and phenomena in recent years: the coronavirus pandemic and the sanctions impact on the Russian economy.The author's approach to modeling the parameter of the welfare depending on the indicators of well-being was formed. The elements of scientific novelty include the obtained modeling tools, as well as the identification of individual features of territorial development.The implementation of the author's approach makes it possible to solve individual tasks of planning the social and demographic development of the subjects of the Federation, as well as the inclusion of individual territorial features in the future.As a result, national-level models, as well as eight significant regional models were obtained. The existence of a relationship between individual parameters of welfare and well-being was proved. Regional peculiarities of these processes were revealed.This research can be used in the future by researchers and representatives of state and municipal authorities for planning and analyzing social and demographic regional and national processes.

Sobre autores

Sergey Grachev

Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs

доцент кафедры экономики инноваций и финансов, кандидат экономических наук, доцент


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Grachev S.A., 2023

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