Key drivers of value creation in the digital economy: ways to localize its creation and retention in national jurisdictions

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This article identifies the main factors of value creation in the digital economy. The specificity of integrated digital data as a driving force for the digital economy development is revealed. In this regard, it is shown that the impact that is made through the collection and use of data depends not only on the type of data concerned (closed or public, personal or impersonal, used for commercial or governmental purposes), but also on how effectively it is integrated into new data value chains. Taking into account the reduction of information asymmetry in the digital economy, it is concluded that price discrimination strategies are gradually changing due to specificity of monopolization and innovation strategies in the digital sphere.The author of the article analyzes the risks of new forms of monopolization, digital innovation strategies, effects and factors of value creation in the digital economy. The author puts forward the thesis about the need to ensure a digital future for many, not for a select few. The author of the article suggests the procedure for calculating the tax base based on a proportional approach to determining the coefficient of digital presence of international digital platforms in the market of Belarus and a number of other similar emerging markets.

About the authors

Vitaliy Viktorovich Demirov

Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies; The Institute of Economics of NAS of Belarus

главный советник отдела экономического анализа, докторант Центра инновационной и инвестиционной политики, кандидат философских наук, магистр технических наук


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