卷 5, 编号 3-4 (2014)


The effect of mood disorders on the course of coronary heart disease: a modern model of pathogenesis of depression, pathophysiological and behavioral patterns

Nonka T., Repin A., Sergienko T.


The prevalence of depressive disorders at the population level is from 2,5 to 10% among patients with coronary heart disease - 20%. The presence of depressive disorders in patients with coronary artery disease leads to hypersympathicotonia decrease vagal activity, endothelial dysfunction and blood coagulation system, weighing down the disease. The most significant theories of pathophysiological mechanism of increased mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease in combination with mood disorders are increased thrombus formation and disturbance of the autonomic regulation of heart rhythm.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Construction of personalized programs of cardiorehabilitation

Zobenko I., Shestakov V., Misyura O., Karpuhin A., Goryunova A.


The article deals with the organization of cardiac rehabilitation in a rehabilitation center. Post stationary rehabilitation of various categories of cardiac patients should be performed on a single technology, but with taking into account the features of the rehabilitated contingents. Manufacturability of rehabilitation is ensured through risk stratification with the release of homogeneous groups of patients. Cardiorehabilitation success ensured its multidisciplinary character with the construction of personalized programs. A modular method for constructing individual rehabilitation programs is suggested.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):9-13
pages 9-13 views

Self-monitoring of blood glucose in patients with diabetes and cardiac pathology with the Meter Contour TS use

Kochergina I.


The article presents data on the prevalence of diabetes, the role of hyper - and hypoglycemia in the development of cardiovascular complications, the importance of self-monitoring for early detection of acute complications of diabetes and compensation, as well as the use of Contour TS meter for this purpose.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Stable coronary artery disease - opportunities of non-invasive visualization

Buziashvili Y., Buziashvili V.


Nowadays «mechanical» theory of myocardial ischemia is being criticized in both scientific and clinical points of view. Its main point is straight correlation between percent of stenosis of coronary artery and level of myocardial ischemia in segments perfused by «narrowed» coronary artery. Almost every cardiologist has faced clinical situations, when there is no significant ischemia detected during stress-induced tests in segments perfused by coronary artery, that has significant stenosis visualized during coronary angiography. Therefore assessment of functional significance of stenosis is one of main areas of interest among patients with SCAD.In every clinical case most informative test should be chosen in purpose to spot the most appropriate way of treatment and evaluate the need of revascularization. The more accurate diagnostics is done and selection of patient for each way of treatment, the better results we can achieve.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Diagnostic value of determination of galectin-3 - the new biomarker of the chronic heart failure

Gyamdzhyan K., Maksimov M.


The reviewsummarizes the results of clinical trials in which galectin-3 was assessed as biomarker of heart failure. In addition, most relevant information on galectin-3 received in in vitro and in vivo research is given with respect of heart failure.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):27-31
pages 27-31 views

ARB I olmesartan interruption in cardiovascular and cardiorenal continuum: antihypertensive and nephroprotective effects (part 1)

Bubnova M.


The article provides an overview of the efficacy and tolerability of one of the representatives of the class angiotensin receptor blockers II - olmesartan medoxomil (Kardosal). Analyzed are the characteristics and pharmacological activity of olmesartan medoxomil antihypertensive monotherapy, in combination with other antihypertensive drugs, in different groups of patients. The article describes the renal protective properties of the drug, its safety profile. It also discusses the reasons for poor adherence therapy in patients with arterial hypertension.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):32-40
pages 32-40 views

Therapeutic possibilities of myocardial cytoprotector trimetazidine MR incoronary heart disease

Trukhan D.


The results of numerous foreign and Russian researches allow us to consider trimetazidine MR as an essential component of effective therapy in patients with coronary heart disease. The article highlights the proven and promising therapeutic possibilities trimetazidine MR.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):41-47
pages 41-47 views

The use of ranolazine in the treatment of coronary heart disease

Zadionchenko V., Shehyan G., Yalymov A., Varentsov S.


The paper presents the study of a new anti-anginal drug - sodium channel inhibitor ranolazine. Considered antianginal, anti-ischemic effect of the drug. Described reduction in angina attacks, increased exercise tolerance and quality of life of patients with stable angina during treatment with ranolazine. Discusses indications, contraindications, side effects, as well as the major clinical trials of the drug ranolazine in patients with coronary heart disease.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):48-53
pages 48-53 views

The increased risk of cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease: pathogenetic mechanisms, the possibility of correction

Barysheva O., Melentieva A., Kheyfetz L., Balashov A.


The paper discusses the pathogenetic mechanisms linking cardiovascular risk and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Presents data on the role of hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, fibroblast growth factor-23, Klotho, an important the components of the pathogenesis of mineral and bone disorders increase the risk cardiovascular events in CKD. Discussed the causes and features dyslipidemia in CKD, particularly correction. Presents data on options calciphylaxis, causes, development, peculiarities of treatment.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):54-60
pages 54-60 views

Chronic tonsillitis in the practice of ENT and cardiology

Yalymova D., Kostyuk V., Vishnyakov V., Yalymov A., Shehyan G., Zadionchenko V.


The problem of chronic tonsillitis (CT), its complications and associated diseases with positions of ENT doctor and cardiologist. The etiology and pathogenesis are also presented, as well as chemotherapy and clinical manifestations of conjugate pathology. A modern classification of CT is also presented. We consider the diagnosis of CT and related diseases.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):60-65
pages 60-65 views

XI Rossiyskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya RosOKR s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Reabilitatsiya i vtorichnaya profilaktika v kardiologii»

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Уважаемые коллеги!Приглашаем Вас принять участие в объединенной XI Российской научно-практической конференции Российского общества кардиосоматической реабилитации и вторичной профилактики с международным участием «Реабилитация и вторичная профилактика в кардиологии», которая состоится 23-24 апреля 2015 г. в Москве.Основная тематика Конференции:Достижения, нерешенные вопросы кардиореабилитации в России.Лечение и реабилитация больных с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями с сопутствующей патологией других органов.Вторичная профилактика при заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы.Сочетанная реабилитация при кардиальной и сопутствующей соматической патологии.Медикаментозная терапия в кардиологической реабилитации и вторичной профилактике.Реабилитация больных после хирургических вмешательств в связи с заболеваниями сердечно-сосудистой системы.Реабилитация больных с заболеваниями сердечно-сосудистой системы на курортах и в санаториях, применение немедикаментозных методов.Патофизиологические аспекты физических нагрузок, физических тренировок у кардиальных и кардиосоматических больных.Методы диагностики и контроля в реабилитации и профилактике.
CardioSomatics. 2014;5(3-4):66
pages 66 views
