Acute coronary syndrome: especially treatment and rehabilitation on a stationary stage




Introduction to medical practice of the term «acute coronary syndrome» (ACS) showed increased interest in the problems of not only the features of the occurrence, the course of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and unstable angina (UA), the effectiveness of treatment methods, but also the re-evaluation of the system of medical rehabilitation. Aim. To assess the features of treatment and comprehensive medical rehabilitation in AMI and UA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (MIA), the ratio of these diseases in the structure of ACS in the treatment and rehabilitation in the Main Clinical Hospital of the MIA. Materials and methods. Over a period of 4 years treated and conducted medical rehabilitation 551 persons in the MIA, of which 152 police officer. The criterion for inclusion in the study was the presence of AMI or UA. Examination and treatment of AMI and UA was carried out in strict accordance with the approved standards. Medical rehabilitation was carried out by the method of Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with the use of the dosed physical activity. Results. Of the total number of diseases, ACS was most often diagnosed in pensioners of the MIA. In the structure of the ACS, the MIA most often identifies AMI, 28-29 cases annually. The maximum frequency of the hospitalizations and 46 cases of ACS from the employees of the MIA recorded in 2015. Among pensioners of the MIA the number of ACS was maximum - 399 in comparison with employees of the MIA - 152. It should be noted that the MIA staff is dominated by AMI, pensioners - UA. For further rehabilitation, 135 patients were transferred to a rehabilitation center, most of whom were diagnosed with AMI. Transfer to the rehabilitation center for ACS for further rehabilitation was carried out up to 38% of patients with AMI and up to 4% of UA. Conclusion. The presence of the rehabilitation center in the structure of MIA allows optimal stage-by-stage medical rehabilitation of patients with ACS.


Nikolai Zolotukhin

Main Clinical Hospital; Moscow State University of Food Productions

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia

Aleksandr Kon’kov

Moscow State University of Food Productions; Main Medical Department

чл.-кор. Академии военных наук Российской Федерации, д-р мед. наук, проф., нач. отд. научной, образовательной деятельности Главного медицинского управления, зав. каф. терапии и детских болезней Moscow, Russia


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