Vol 7, No 1 (2016)


Methodic recommendations Maintaining physical activity of those with limitations in health

Bubnova M.G., Aronov D.M., Boytsov S.A.


Edited by S.A.Boytsov
CardioSomatics. 2016;7(1):5-50
pages 5-50 views

Ticagrelor in patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation and a conservative treatment strategy

Erlikh A.D.


The article provides an overview of the relevance of the use of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAT) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) without lifting ST (ACSwl ST ) receiving conservative treatment. Compared with those patients with ACSwl ST who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention, conservative treatment, patients traditionally have more comorbidities, risk factors and prognosis is worse. It is in this subgroup of patients to improve outcomes most important to carry out the most correct treatment of ACS, most strictly corresponding to current clinical guidelines. In particular this applies to that therapy, with which you can try to influence the mechanism of development of ACS, namely antirombocit therapy. The results of a clinical study PLATO showed that the use as a DAT combination with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and ticagrelor due to a decrease in the incidence of cardiovascular death, heart attack or stroke (primary adverse events) as compared to the combination of ASA and clopidogrel. The results of further analysis of PLATO study showed that when comparing the groups of patients with ACSwl ST treatment of invasive and conservative, noted a similar proportional reduction in the incidence of primary adverse events when using ticagrelor compared to clopidogrel group (hazard ratio of 0.86 compared with 0.85; p-value for interaction 0.89), which is consistent with the overall results of the study. Among patients with ACSwl ST treated conservatively, receiving ticagrelor as compared with clopidogrel was associated with a significantly smaller number of all deaths (relative risk, 0.73; 95 CI 0.57-0.93). The frequency of the "big" bleeding among patients treated conservatively with ACSwl ST treated with ticagrelor and clopidogrel did not differ significantly. PLATO study results identified the mandatory use of ticagrelor as DAT in patients with ACSwl ST regardless of the chosen treatment strategy.
CardioSomatics. 2016;7(1):51-55
pages 51-55 views

Experience of using enoxaparin sodium in the domestic production of emergency cardiology

Nurmukhamedov L.I., Akhundov R.N.


The problem of coronary artery atherosclerosis and its associated diseases. It has been found from the viewpoint of clinical application that low molecular weight heparins have important practical advantages, that consist in the simplicity of the drug, more resistant antithrombin effect without need for strict control of a laboratory, and also in security application with the proper dose. Experience indicates a greater use of the efficacy and safety compared to unfractionated heparin.
CardioSomatics. 2016;7(1):56-58
pages 56-58 views

Renal dysfunction in patients with cardiovascular disease. The effects of blockers of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system

Zvereva T.N., Zykov M.V., Barbarash O.L.


In the article the problem of renal dysfunction in patients with cardiovascular disease is discussed. It describes the basic mechanisms of renal dysfunction and possible ways of influencing them. Including highlights the main classes of drugs that block the renin-angiotensin system aldesteron. The data of several clinical studies confirming the benefits of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors appointment with a dual mechanism of elimination in these patients.
CardioSomatics. 2016;7(1):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Fixed subaortic stenosis - rarecomplication of ankylosing spondyloarthritis

Lebedev P.A., Paranina E.V., Mishchenko O.V., Suslina E.A.


Spondyloarthritis (SA) is a well known systemic chronic inflammatory disease involving spine, sacroileac and peripherial joints with extra-articular manifistations. Predominant connective tissue inflamation reflects the typical characters as enthesitis and aortitis, complicated by aortic insufficiency. Authors presents the case of high activity HLA-B27 positive SA young woman, that was complicated at debut with aortic ridge, caused uncommon severe left ventricular outflow fixed obstruction. Pecularities of aortic root structure and it’s involvement in SA, also as dynamic of aortic ridge growth by serial echocardiographic investigations are discussed.
CardioSomatics. 2016;7(1):65-68
pages 65-68 views

Acute coronary syndrome: pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation (part 1)

Perepech N.B.


The lecture provides a definition of "acute coronary syndrome" and entities that united this term. The mechanisms of the development and clinical manifestation of acute coronary syndrome. The methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics, rules formulation diagnosis of myocardial infarction and unstable angina. Provides information on how to assess prognosis and risk stratification in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
CardioSomatics. 2016;7(1):70-81
pages 70-81 views

Pamyati Nikolaya Grigor'evicha Filippenko

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23 июля 1941 г. - 10 марта 2016 г. Основное научное направление, которое разрабатывал Николай Григорьевич со своими коллегами и учениками, - системный подход в изучении взаимосвязей фармакогенетических, фармакокинетических особенностей биотрансформации ксенобиотиков у больных с заболеваниями внутренних органов с целью оптимизации фармакологической профилактики заболеваний и улучшения качества жизни пациентов. Николай Григорьевич был для очень многих врачей настоящим Учителем, другом и защитником. Потеря Николая Григорьевича невосполнима. Коллеги и ученики, редакция журнала «КардиоСоматика»,Российское общество кардиосоматической реабилитации и вторичной профилактики
CardioSomatics. 2016;7(1):82
pages 82 views

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