Safety and effectiveness of physical training in inotrop-dependent patients with compensation for chronic heart failure at the level of the III-IV functional class

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Aim. To assess the safety and effectiveness of physical training in inotrop-dependent patients with stabilization of the course of chronic heart failure (CHF) at the level of the III-IV functional class (FC). Materials and methods. The prospective randomized study included men of 18-65 years old who were committed to Almazov National medical research center "due to decompensated CHF III-IV FC, left ventricular ejection fraction of 30% or less due to coronary heart disease or dilated cardiomyopathy receiving dopamine or dobutamine for 2 weeks or more, stabilizing heart failure at level III-IV FC and arterial pressure 90/60 mm Hg and above against the background of ongoing inotropic therapy. Patients were randomized into 2 groups: 1st - those participating in the physical rehabilitation program (PRP), 2nd - receiving standard CHF therapy. Results. There was no increase in the number of fatal cases and the number of patients with episodes of decompensation of CHF in the 1st group compared with the 2nd group. The number of episodes of CHF decompensation before FC IV was higher in the 2nd group compared to the 1st: 13 (50%) in the 1st group and 20 (80%) in the 2nd (p=0.04). Episodes of CHF decompensation, requiring transfer to the anesthesiology and resuscitation departments, were 2 times less frequent in patients of the 1st group compared to the 2nd: 8 (31%) and 16 (64%), respectively (p=0.03). In patients with the 1st group, malignant ventricular arrhythmias were not registered during physical training and for 3 hours after their completion. There was a tendency (without achieving a statistically significant difference) to a decrease in pulmonary thromboembolism episodes in patients of the 1st group compared with the 2nd (p=0.05). In the 1st group, after 6 months, there was a decrease in the number of lower respiratory tract infections - bronchitis + pneumonia compared with the 2nd group (p=0.0006). Conclusion. Participation of inotropic-dependent patients in individually designed RPF does not increase their mortality and does not increase their number of life-threatening cardiac rhythm disturbances. In the group of inotropic-dependent patients participating in RPF, there was a significant decrease in the number of lower respiratory tract infections and a tendency to a decrease in the number of pulmonary embolism compared with patients not participating in RPF.

About the authors

Mariia A. Bortsova

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Head of the Cardiology Department №8 Saint Petersburg, Russia

Elena A. Demchenko

Almazov National Medical Research Center

D. Sci. (Med.) Saint Petersburg, Russia

Petr A. Fedotov

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Saint Petersburg, Russia

Olga S. Ganenko

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Head of Department Saint Petersburg, Russia

Tatiana A. Lelyavina

Almazov National Medical Research Center

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Saint Petersburg, Russia

Viktoriia L. Galenko

Almazov National Medical Research Center

мл. науч. сотр. НИО сердечной недостаточности Saint Petersburg, Russia

Sergei G. Zamesov

City Hospital №26

cardiologist Saint Petersburg, Russia

Oksana A. Babich

Almazov National Medical Research Center

nurse Saint Petersburg, Russia

Mariia Yu. Sitnikova

Almazov National Medical Research Center

д-р мед. наук, проф., гл. науч. сотр., рук. НИО сердечной недостаточности. Saint Petersburg, Russia


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