Secondary prevention for non-communicable diseases at out-patient stage: schools of health for patients at municipal polyclinic

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Background. Currently, chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCD) cause more than 2/3 of all deaths in the world. Despite the continuous improvement of approaches to drug therapy for chronic low risk infections, they can not be completely cured, and mortality tends to increase. In such conditions, the need for preventive measures comes to the fore. One of the approaches of secondary prevention is to educate patients in Health Schools, the goal of which is to reduce the incidence and progression of complications of NCD, reduce morbidity and mortality. Aim. The goal is to assess the attendance of Schools, the gender and sex composition of patients, the structure of educational activities. Methods. Аssessment of the work of the Health Schools through the analysis of patient case report stored in the clinic’s prevention department. The analysis of the cases was carried out taking into account the age, gender, and results of the patient survey. Results. The data obtained indicate a fairly uniform attendance at Health Schools. The School of Health in hypertension was the most visited (20% of the total attendance), the least - the School of Breast Health (less than 10% of the total attendance). Women visited Health Schools more often than men (71.2%). Men were more interested in the school on the general principles of healthy lifestyles and the School on quitting smoking. The main contingent of Health Schools is the elderly. The average age of the patients of the School for type 2 diabetes and healthy joints was about 65 years, and the School for hypertension - about 73 years. Conclusion. Due to patient education, it is possible to increase adherence to treatment prescribed by a doctor, reduce the effect of FR, help patients lead a healthier lifestyle.

About the authors

Vera N. Larina

N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

D. Sci. (Med.), Professor Head of Department of Outpatient Medicine Moscow, Russia

Sergei E. Kozyrev

N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Resident of Department of Outpatient Medicine Moscow, Russia

Kirill E. Nazimkin

N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Сity Clinical Hospital №8

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor of Department of Outpatient Medicine Moscow, Russia

Olga V. Saino

N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor of Department of Outpatient Medicine Moscow, Russia

Sergei L. Safarian

Сity Clinical Hospital №8

Head Moscow, Russia

Lilit V. Gasparian

N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Student Moscow, Russia


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