Meditsinskiy aspekt reabilitatsii bol'nykhishemicheskoy bolezn'yu serdtsana sanatornom etape

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Summary. Analysis of the drug therapy in patients with myocardial infarction at sanatorium stage of rehabilitation
was performed at Health Medical Center Chernaya Rechka. Within the period from 2003 to 2009 the rate of patients
treated with drugs with proven effect on prognosis increased. Frequency of statins prescription increased from
8,3 to 95%. In majority of patients target values of blood pressure and heart rate were reached. Data on postoperative
complications in patients after aortocoronary bypass at sanatorium stage of cardiac rehabilitation is presented.
Hydrothorax and hydropericardium were revealed in 32 and 21% of all patients respectively, breath dysfunction in
40%, hypochromic anemia in 50, heart rate disorders in 27% of patients. The positive role of complex rehabilitation
in decreasing of severity of postoperative complications was confirmed.

About the authors

Vladimir Nikolaevich Shestakov

Центр сердечной медицины «Черная речка»

Центр сердечной медицины «Черная речка»

Irina Aleksandrovna Zobenko

Центр сердечной медицины «Черная речка»

Центр сердечной медицины «Черная речка»

Ol'ga Fedorovna Misyura

Центр сердечной медицины «Черная речка»

Центр сердечной медицины «Черная речка»

Nikita Borisovich Perepech

ГОУ ВПО СПбГМА им. И.И.Мечникова

ГОУ ВПО СПбГМА им. И.И.Мечникова


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