



Giardiasis ranks second in the structure of parasitic diseases in Russia of the last decade. Infestation Giardia is associated with clinical signs of allergic reactions, imbalance parameters of the T- and В-lymphocytes, changes in the concentration of cytokines and immunoglobulins. Air pollution by chemical compounds also affects the immune system, stimulates production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, immunoglobulins. It can be assumed that the response of the organism to lamblia invasion will undergo changes under conditions of chemical inhalation exposure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the content of cytokines and immunoglobulins in adolescents with giardiasis with an inhalation chemical load. 295 adolescents aged 13–16 with I–III health groups who did not have any at the time of the examination, exacerbation of any diseases and complaints of the work of gastrointestinal organs were included in the survey. Cellular blood composition with differential count of the leukocyte formula were studied in schoolchildren. The content of antibodies to lamblia, interleukins-2 and -10, interferons-alpha and-gamma, immunoglobulins A were studied in the blood serum by the method of enzyme immunoassay. Evaluation of individual inhalation chemical load by substances tropic to the immune system was carried out for each person. Data on the content of impurities in ambient air, indoor air, information on the organization of educational process and rest of students and their anthropometric parameters were taken into account when calculating chemical loads. Groups were formed after evaluation of antibodies to lamblia. Persons with Giardia invasion made up group I, school children without giardiasis were included in group II. Subgroups with a hazard index of immunity less than 2, 2 or more selected in each group. It has been established that changes in the relative content of basophils and monocytes, an increase in the levels of interferons-alpha and gamma, interleukin-2 and immunoglobulin A in adolescents with giardiasis occur at indexes of the development of pathology of the immune system less than 2. Adolescents with hazard indices of immunity equal to 2 or more decreased the content of immunoglobulin A and interferon-gamma and no differences in concentrations of interleukin-2 and -10, interferon-alpha and indicators of leukogram with parasitic infestation, compared to persons without giardiasis. It can be assumed, that high levels of inhalation chemical load, affecting the immune system of adolescents, create the prerequisites for the deficiency of protective mechanisms and the lamblias persistence.


L. Masnavieva

East-Siberian Institute of Medical and Ecological Research.


PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Immunobiochemical and Molecular-Genetic Researches in Hygiene.

665827, Russian Federation, Angarsk, Mikrorayon 12a, PO Box 1170.

Phone: +7 (3955) 55-96-63 (office); +7 914 003-19-76 (mobile).


I. Kudaeva

East-Siberian Institute of Medical and Ecological Research.


PhD, MD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Science.

Angarsk. 俄罗斯联邦


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