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Abstract. The goal of study was to evaluate cytokines level in blood of 60 patients with uncomplicated influenza and its relations with severity of intoxication symptoms. High level of TNFα, IL-10, IL-1Rа and low level of IFNγ was measured in serum of patients with severe intoxication syndrome during acute phase of disease. The duration of intoxication syndrome of influenza had a direct correlation with the concentration of TNFα, IL-6, IL-8, IL-1Rа, IL-10 and the opposite of IL-1β.

About the authors

L. V. Voloschcuk

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Research Institute of Influenza, Saint Petersburg

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Medicine), Senior Research Associate, Division of Viral Respiratory Infections in Adults

197022, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17


Russian Federation

E. G. Golovacheva

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Research Institute of Influenza, Saint Petersburg

PhD (Medicine), Senior Research Associate, Division of Viral Respiratory Infections in Children Russian Federation

A. L. Mushkatina

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Research Institute of Influenza, Saint Petersburg

Research Associate, Division of Viral Respiratory Infections in Adults Russian Federation

L. V. Osidak

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Research Institute of Influenza, Saint Petersburg

PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Leading Research Associate, Division of Viral Respiratory Infections in Children Russian Federation

P. V. Zarishnuk

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Research Institute of Influenza, Saint Petersburg

Senior Research Associate, Division of Viral Respiratory Infections in Adults Russian Federation

A. A. Go

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Research Institute of Influenza, Saint Petersburg

Chief, Division of Viral Respiratory Infections in Adults Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2014 Voloschcuk L.V., Golovacheva E.G., Mushkatina A.L., Osidak L.V., Zarishnuk P.V., Go A.A.

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