





在俄语的eLibrary.ru和英语的Medline、Web of Science和PubMed数据库中进行了文献检索。 检索的关键词是:“метаэпифизарный остеомиелит”: “дети раннего возраста”、“иммунная система”、“цитокины”、 “интерлейкины”、 “ронколейкин”(metaepiphyseal osteomyelitis/骨骺线骨髓炎、infants/婴儿、immune system/免疫系统、cytokines/细胞因子、interleukins/白细胞介素、roncoleukin)。总共发现了405篇出版物,其中66篇与本研究的目的完全一致。对它们进行了分析。



Vadim V. Grishaev

Samarkand State Medical University; GUZ "Odoevskaya Central District Hospital named after P.P.Belousov"

Email: vadim_grishaev@rambler.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5806-2421
SPIN 代码: 9847-3236


乌兹别克斯坦, Samarkand; Odoev, Tula region, Russia

Azamat M. Shamsiev

Samarkand State Medical University

Email: a-shamsiev@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8482-7037

Dr. Sci. (Med.), professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery No. 1

乌兹别克斯坦, Samarkand


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