Perineal groove. Cases report and brief review

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Perineal groove is a congenital anal anomaly. This skin defect appears next to the anal opening, similar to a cleft, and is covered by a mucous membrane. The anomaly often occurs in girls. Grooves can be detected in patients with normally formed anus or as part of an anorectal malformation with a perineal fistula or anal stenosis. Perineal groove is a congenital anal anomaly.

This work aimed to provide information for specialists about this congenital developmental anomaly. In our clinic, five girls were observed and diagnosed with perineal groove quite early in their lives (from one to three months of age). Only one required surgical treatment because she had an anorectal malformation with a perineal fistula. In one case, bougienage of the anus was prescribed because stenosis was detected in a timely manner. For the three girls with a normally formed anus, surgery or other types of treatment were not indicated. In other clinics, either long-term courses of conservative local therapy were prescribed for “anal fissure” or “folds in the anus” or a diagnosis of anorectal defect was made with indications for surgery. This study also analyzed current publications on the diagnosis and treatment of congenital perineal sulcus.

About the authors

Evgeniya S. Pimenova

Fantasy Children’s Clinic

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7206-5987
SPIN-code: 8694-6555

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), pediatric surgery

Russian Federation, Moscow

Daria A. Khamzina

Fantasy Children’s Clinic

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8929-4492

pediatric surgeon

Russian Federation, Moscow

Evgeniya M. Mukhametova

Fantasy Children’s Clinic

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1711-1693
SPIN-code: 2493-3800

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), gastroenterologist

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Local status of patient M., six months old. Incomplete perineal groove. Black arrow — anus located in a typical location, in the center of the sphincters; white arrow — incomplete perineal groove

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3. Fig. 2. Local status of patient P., two months old. Incomplete perineal groove. Black arrow — anus located in a typical location, in the center of the sphincters; white arrow — incomplete perineal groove

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4. Fig. 3. Local status of patient A., 1 month old. Black arrow — anal sphincters below the fistula; white arrow — perineal fistula continuing into the perineal groove (to the fourchette)

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5. Fig. 4. Local status of patient B.: a — three months old. Complete perineal groove with a normally formed anus. Black arrow — anus located in a typical location, in the center of the sphincters; white arrow — complete perineal groove (continues to the fourchette); b — the same patient at eight months. Partial epithelialization of the perineal groove

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6. Fig. 5. Local status of patient M., two months old. Anorectal malformation: anus stenosis, incomplete perineal groove. Black arrow — anus located in a typical location, in the center of the sphincters; white arrow — incomplete perineal groove

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