First national manual on pediatric traumatology and its author N.G. Dam’e

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The article discusses the content of the first Russian manual on pediatric traumatology and the key points of the biography and work of its author, Nikolai G. Dam’e. The article introduction briefly outlines the creation history of the first Russian manual on traumatology for adult patients, which noted that pediatric traumatology developed within the framework of pediatric surgery. The first part of the work focused on its greatest interest to readers. It presents previously unpublished reviews of famous orthopedic traumatologists for the first (1950) and second (1960) editions, which perfectly reveal the book’s content. The second part of the article included the published autobiography written by N.G. Dam’e. Additionally, the work of N.G. Dam’e based on archival documents as a military field surgeon during the Great Patriotic War was presented in the same section. The final part included the role of N.G. Dam’e in creating an original school of pediatric trauma surgeons.

The merit of N. G. Dam’e is the creation of a manual that outlines the basics of diagnosing and treating injuries in children of all types and localizations. He believed that a traumatologist should have the necessary knowledge and skills in emergency general surgery, neurotraumatology, and other surgical specialties. Thus, he anticipated the creation of injury surgery, of which the basic provisions were transferred from the practice of military field surgery.

About the authors

Vladimir I. Petlakh

Veltishchev Research Clinical Institute for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5403-313X
SPIN-code: 9100-6976

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Chief Researcher of the Department of Pediatric Surgery

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The first guidelines on traumatology that are published in Russia: a — title page of the book by E.O. Mukhin; b — title page of the book by N.I. Pirogov; c — cover of the translation of Anton Boom’s book; d — cover of the book by A.L. Polenov

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3. Fig. 2. Ambulance at the reception

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4. Fig. 3. In the trauma ward

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5. Fig. 4. Editions of the book "Fundamentals of Childhood Traumatology": a — USSR, 1950; b — USSR, 1960; c — Czechoslovakia, 1953; d — GDR, 1955

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6. Fig. 5. Certificate of the head of the medical department of the hospital

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7. Fig. 6. Military doctor II rank

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8. Fig. 7. Medical Lieutenant Colonel

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9. Fig. 8. The combat route of the hospitals in which N.G. Dam’e served

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10. Fig. 9. Morning conference

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11. Fig. 10. Operation by N.G. Dam’e

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12. Fig. 11. N.G. Dam’e and head of the surgical department Alexandra I. Lukina

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13. Fig. 12. Dressing a seriously ill patient

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14. Fig. 13. Preparing for the New Year

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15. Fig. 14. Festive tableful (M.K. Bukhrashvili stands next to N.G. Dam’e)

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16. Fig. 15. Nikolai G. Dam’e

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