Technologies for stimulation of the reparative processes in children with knee osteochondritis dissecans: A review

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Dissecting osteochondritis of the knee joint, Koenig’s disease is a disease of the knee joint that result in articular surface and osteoarthritis congruence. The disease incidence reaches 15% in the pathological knee joint structure in children. The comparative effectiveness of various treatment methods for children with Koenig’s disease, from conservative therapy to orthobiological technologies, is a topical subject of discussion among specialists.

The effectiveness of modern treatment methods for children with Koenig’s disease has been evaluated and is the leading trend in the use of biotechnology for further experimental and clinical studies.

The literature search was conducted in the electronic databases of PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE, eLibrary, RSCI, and Cyberleninka, whereas 2300 references were analyzed, 283 articles were viewed, and 90 publications on orthopedics and biotechnology were selected for the review.

Indications for conservative treatment in children with Koenig’s disease are currently limited to stages I–II of the process. Surgical methods occupy a dominant position when pain relief and pathological focus regeneration stimulation are necessary. However, the long-term results of therapy indicate the replacement of the necrosis zone with coarse fibrous connective tissue, which is significantly inferior to hyaline cartilage in terms of biomechanical characteristics, which determines a high risk of developing osteoarthritis. The actively developing direction of orthobiology allows the use of a patient’s tissues to activate the processes of reparative regeneration with the relief of clinical manifestations and favorable immediate results.

The focus of attention of researchers has shifted to the plane of orthobiological technologies following the established trends in regenerative medicine development, which provide a high proportion of favorable immediate interventional results. However, the limited number of publications and the lack of long-term results of therapy do not meet the criteria for demonstrative effectiveness of technologies.

About the authors

Elena G. Pligina

Veltishchev Research Clinical Institute for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; G.N. Speransky Children’s Hospital

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8508-7349
SPIN-code: 5309-0417

Cand. Sci. Med., Senior Rresearcher, Orthopedic traumatologist

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

Leila G. Kerimova

G.N. Speransky Children’s Hospital

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4399-7002
SPIN-code: 8245-1046

Orthopedic traumatologist

Russian Federation, Moscow

Igor A. Burkin

G.N. Speransky Children’s Hospital

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0328-1963
SPIN-code: 5524-0651

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Traumatology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Igor S. Kovalyunas

Veltishchev Research Clinical Institute for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; G.N. Speransky Children’s Hospital

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9411-4062
SPIN-code: 1105-6393

Researcher, Pediatric Surgeon

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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