Errors and сomplications in the treatment of children with anorectal malformations

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Purpose. This manuscript aims to introduce errors and complications of diagnosis and treatment in children with anorectal malformations (ARM).

Methods. A retrospective analysis of 63 children with ARM treated at a single tertiary Speransky children’s Hospital.

Results. The patients’ ages ranged from 2 mo to 17 y. o. (median, 6 y. o.). The types of ARM included: rectourethral fistula 27%, rectoperineal fistula 17.5%, rectovestibular fistula 15.9%, rectobladderneck fistula 6.3%, no fistula 7.9%, cloaca 11.1%, “cloaca” with urogenital sinus and disorder of sex development 1.6%, pouch colon 1.6%, rectal stenosis 4.8%, anal duplication 3.2%, and rectovaginal fistula 3.2%. Of these patients, 76% underwent surgery earlier at another hospital (surgical treatment completed), 14% had stomas, and 10% did not have any prior procedures. The historical analysis showed diagnostic errors in 48% of children (untimely diagnosis, incorrect interpretation of the ARM variant, prolonged delay in anorectoplasty). Errors led to emergency procedures or changes in subsequent surgical treatment (further ostomy, excess bowel resection) in 22% of cases. After anorectoplasty (stenosis, mislocated anus/rectum, rectal prolapse), complications were detected in 56% of cases, whereas ostomy complications were observed in 5% of cases. Long-term problems after the surgical treatment (constipation, incontinence, and pseudoincontinence) were evident in 98% of children. Different surgical reconstructive techniques of the sphincter formation had been performed previously in 13% of patients. Moreover, they most often had spinal pathology as the cause of functional disorders. Only half of the children’s parents had information about bowel management, 38% did not follow the recommendations and usually had fecal impaction and pseudoincontinence. 45% of children/parents performed non-effective or irregular enemas and required corrective treatment.

Conclusion. It is recommended that Russian pediatric surgeons treat children with ARM, according to Russian pediatric surgeons’ guidelines consistent with international protocols to avoid errors and complications.

About the authors

Evgeniya S. Pimenova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); Speransky Childrens Hospital No. 9

Author for correspondence.

associate Professor of the Department of pediatric surgery and urology-andrology; pediatric surgeon

Russian Federation, Moscow

Darya S. Tarasova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); Speransky Childrens Hospital No. 9


assistant Professor of the Department of pediatric surgery and urology-andrology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Dmitry D. Morozov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)



Russian Federation, Moscow

Dmitry A. Morozov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); Speransky Childrens Hospital No. 9


Head of the Department of pediatric surgery and urology-andrology

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Descriptive statistics of a group of patients with anorectal malformations

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3. Fig. 2. Status localis of patients with anorectal malformations: a — patient A., 1.9 y. o., anorectal malformations with rectourethral fistula, view after anorectoplasty in the other hospital (concomitant diagnosis—tethered cord, terminal lipoma). Rectal prolapse immediately after anorectoplasty (a technical feature of the performed procedure); b — patient M., 8 y. o., anorectal malformations with rectobladderneck fistula, condition after two anorectoplasty (concomitant diagnosis—caudal regression syndrome, dysfunction of the pelvic organs). Stenosis of the anus and prolapse of the rectal mucosa six months after anorectoplasty; degeneration of the mucosa into a fibroepithelial polyp, probably due to trauma during enemas

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4. Fig. 3. Diagnostic and preoperative planning errors in children with anorectal malformations after birth

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5. Fig. 4. Complications after anorectoplasty: a — descriptive statistics (n = 38); b — distal sigmoidostomography of a patient with a cloaca (a catheter is inserted into the bladder). П — the rectum, which flows into the uterus; В — doubled vagina; the brace marks the distance from the rectum to the anal place; c — mislocatsd anus and rectum (anterior postoperative ectopia of the anus). The white arrow indicates the place of the intended anus, considering the location of the fibers of the external sphincter during electroidentification; d — cystourethroscopy of the patient after surgical correction of the arm with a rectourethral fistula. White arrow shows the entrance to the bladder, black arrow — a wide posterior diverticulum of the urethra (rectal stump)

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6. Fig. 5. Clinical case. Patient B., 6.5 y. o. Meningomyeloradiculocele and anorectal malformations with rectovestibular fistula (absent of rectal sensitivity and voluntary sphincters contraction): a — anorectal water-perfusion profilometry (blue oval — resting pressure in the anal canal, red oval — an attempt at volitional contraction), no increase in anal pressure (impossibility of contraction of the sphincters); b — anorectal manometry with a balloon (oval — markers of gradient air insufflation (from 10 to 80 ml), rectangle — lack of reaction of the rectal ampulla in response to stretching (combined with a subjective lack of rectal sensitivity, urge)); c — status localis after surgical correction of the herniated disc; d — status localis after anterosagittal anorectoplasty at the age of one year and “reconstruction of the obturator apparatus of the striated muscles” at the age of five years

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