Experience of laparoscopic drainage of posttraumatic intramural hematomas of duodenum in children

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Purpose. To demonstrate that it is possible to perform minimally invasive laparoscopic interventions in children with extremely rare duodenal traumas resulting in a traumatic intramural duodenal hematoma. At the present stage, timely diagnostics and treatment of traumatic duodenal injuries resulting in a traumatic intramural duodenal hematoma relate to one of complex and rather complicated surgical issues. In the structure of all abdominal damages, the rate of duodenal traumas currently constitutes 1.2% only [1]. Single treatment cases of children with this pathology are described in the world medical literature. That’s why we decided to present our own observations devoted to this pressing issue of pediatric surgery. Materials and methods. We presented 2 rare clinical observations of posttraumatic intramural duodenal hematomas in children who had successful mini-invasive laparoscopic interventions. The mini-invasive surgical interventions were done using laparoscopic equipment by Karl Storz. Results. As shown in these clinical observations, recovery of duodenal posttraumatic hematoma using mini-invasive surgeries in children is possible and highly effective. Conclusions. Posttraumatic duodenal hematoma is treated with minimally invasive surgeries, high bowel obstruction is arrested as soon as possible, early enteral nutrition is initiated and the patient becomes active in the early postoperative period.

About the authors

Yu. Yu. Sokolov

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: sokolov-surg@yandex.ru

Yury Yu. SOKOLOV – Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, The head of the department of children’s surgery

Barrikadnaya St., 2/1, bld. 1, Moscow, 125993

Russian Federation

S. V. Stonogin

Сhildren’s municipal clinical hospital named after Z. A. Bashlyaeva

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Sergey V. STONOGIN – Cand. Sci. (Med.), a pediatric surgeon in the surgical unit

Heroes Panfilovtsev street, 28, Moscow, 125373

Russian Federation

S. A. Korovin

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Sergey A. KOROVIN – Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor in the department of children’s surgery

Barrikadnaya St., 2/1, bld. 1, Moscow, 125993

Russian Federation

G. T. Tumanyan

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Grachik T. TUMANYAN – Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery

Barrikadnaya St., 2/1, bld. 1, Moscow, 125993

Russian Federation

I. S. Allakhverdiyev

Saint Vladimir´s children’s municipal clinical hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Israil S. ALLAHVERDIYEV – Pediatric surgeon in the surgical department

1/3 Rubcovsko‑Dvorcovaya st., Moscow, 107014

Russian Federation

A. N. Shapkina

Pacific State Medical University

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Anna N. SHAPKINA – Cand. Sci. (Med.), Institute of Surgery, Associate Professor

Ostryakova ave., b.2, Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Far Eastern Federal District, 690002

Russian Federation

M. H. Kaufov

City Polyclinic No. 219 Branch No. 4 of the Moscow City Health Department

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Muhammad H. KAUFOV – Doctor pediatric surgeon City Polyclinic No. 219 Branch No. 4

Jan Rainis Boulevard, b. 47, Moscow, 125373

Russian Federation


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