Morphological changes of the testes in patients operated on cryptorchidism

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Purpose: to study the morphological changes of testis in patients who had cryptorchidism in childhood.

Methods. The examination results of 9 patients who underwent treatment for cryptorchidism and presented with infertility within marriage when they were 24–30 y. o. were studied. Clinical examination, ultrasound imaging of the scrotum, complete spermograms, hormonal studies, open biopsy of the testis with subsequent pathomorphological assessment of biopsy specimens were carried out.

Results: observation of 9 patients with azoospermia who had undergone a course of conservative and surgical treatment for cryptorchidism when they were 4–14 years, resulted in testicular atrophy leading to the decrease in the tissue mass of the organ and high level of FSH.

Conclusion: hormonal tests, ultrasound examinations and pathomorphological studies enable to estimate the extent of epitheliospermatogenic layer involvement.

About the authors

Anatoly E. Soloviev

Ryazan State Medical University


Dr. Sci (med), Professor, Head of the Department of pediatric surgery

Vysokovol’tnaya st., 9, Ryazan, 390026

Russian Federation

Andrey A. Soloviev

Center for family planning and reproduction; Ryazan State Medical University


Cand.Sci (med), urologist andrologist, assistant of the Department of pediatric surgery of Ryazan State Medical University, Center for Reproductive Medicine «Nadezhda»

Vysokovol’tnaya st., 9, Ryazan, 390026

Russian Federation

Ibragim A. Kyarimov

Ryazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Vysokovol’tnaya st., 9, Ryazan,  390026; phone: +7(920)965–43–80 Russian Federation


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