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Purpose: the study was aimed at analyzing the complications that occur during circumcision and estimate the effectiveness of the developed original method of this surgery.

Materials and methods. Over 6,000 observed results of circumcision performed in boys from 3 regions of the country using both conventional, and original author techniques were analyzed. They included saving resection of the prepuce preserving the inner leaf of the prepuce without sutures.

Results. The first group included 3,223 boys who had a surgery following the technique made at the clinic when 0.3% of unsatisfied results were obtained. The second group consisted of 3,115 children who had a conventional surgery at medical institutions and at home with unsatisfactory results diagnosed in 7.6% of patients.

Conclusions. The main reasons for complications in circumcision are the lack of a proper preoperative preparation of the surgical field, deviation from the conventional surgery technique and inad equate postoperative care. The sutureless circumcision technique developed by the author enabled to achieve minimum of complications.

About the authors

Z. N. Murtuzaaliev

Dagestan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Murtuzaaliev Zaur Nurulaevich – Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery


Russian Federation

B. M. Mahachev

Dagestan State Medical University;
Children's Republican Clinical Hospital named after N.M. Kuraev


MAKHACHEV Magomedovich Bashir – MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, DSMU


Russian Federation

N. P. Murtuzaaliev

Children's Republican Clinical Hospital named after N.M. Kuraev


Murtuzaaliev Nurula Pataalievich – Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, DSMU


Russian Federation


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