Research Work in the Russian Association of Pediatric Surgeons: Principal Outcomes and Establishment of a Research Council

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Introduction. Development of pediatric surgical science is an essential part of preservation and strengthening of the entire speciality and ‘pediatric surgical sovereignty’. A report entitled The State and Perspectives of Research Studies in Pediatric Surgery was presented in 2015.

Purpose. To analyze the status of principal outcomes of research work done by the Russian Association of Pediatric Surgeons in 2015–2018 and justify the necessity in a coordinating institution (Research Council of the Association).

Material and methods. Data obtained from 32 academic teams of the country such as department staff, post-graduate and post-doctoral students, Ph. D. and doctoral papers, publication in journals (including Scopus indexed and foreign journals), patents, scientific papers in Russia and abroad, grants, multicenter and international scientific programs).

Results. The potential was found to be high: 15 doctoral papers and 64 Ph. D. papers, over 1,200 scientific publications in Russian journals (14.4% in Scopus) and 67 full-text articles published abroad, over 1,600 scientific papers in Russia and 235 papers on foreign recognized forums. The Research Council of the Russian Association of Pediatric Surgeons has been reconstructed since 2019; initiated coordination of work within the framework of task and expert groups.

Conclusion. High potential should be used in the new strategy development: planning of scientific efforts in the country, its quality control, support of multi-center studies and cluster functioning, strengthening of fundamental science, full integration into the world scientific space.

About the authors

Dmitry A. Morozov

Committee for State Protection of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; Sechenov University; Russian Association of Pediatric Surgeons

Author for correspondence.

Dr. Sci (Med), Professor, Chairman of the State Duma Health Protection Committee of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of pediatric surgery and urologyandrology L. P. Aleksandrov of the I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, vice-president of RAPS

8–2 Trubetskaya st., Moscow 119991

Russian Federation


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