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A treatment case of a child aged 14 y. o. with pleural empyema against the background of severe organic brain damage and resistant epilepsy was presented. Considering premorbid background, unsuccessful treatment attempts using drainage and thoracoscopic sanitation of the pleural cavity, the child underwent a recurrent thoracoscopic sanitation of the pleural cavity using a hydrosurgical unit. Treatment results show high effectiveness of this method in 3 stage pleural empyema when other treatment methods are less effective and there are limitations related to rehabilitation activities due to severe premorbid status of a child.

About the authors

S. M. Bataev

Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9

Email: khassan-2@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0191-1116

Saidkhasan M. BATAEV Dr. Sci (Med), head of Department 

Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, 123317, tel: +7(499) 259–62–75

Russian Federation

R. S. Molotov

Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9

Author for correspondence.
Email: zak-zak-zak@mail.ru

Ruslan S. MOLOTOV PhD student of the Institute of pediatric surgery,

Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, Russia, 123317, tel: +7(499) 259–62–75


Russian Federation

R. O. Ignatiev

Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9

Email: nod42@rambler.ru

Nodari T. ZURBAEV Dr. Sci (Med), chief researcher of Department of the thoracic and abdominal surgery, 

Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, Russia. 123317, tel: +7(499) 259–62–75

Russian Federation

N. T. Zurbaev

Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9

Email: romarion74@yandex.com

Roman O. IGNATIEV Dr. Sci (Med), head of Department of urology and neurourology,

Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, 123317, tel: +7(499) 259–62–75

Russian Federation

M. V. Afaunov

Research institute of pediatric surgery of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Speranskiy Children’s Municipal Hospital № 9

Email: marchela.07@mail.ru

Murat V. AFAUNOV Cand. Sci (Med), senior researcher of the department of thoracic and abdominal surgery,

Shmitovskiy proezd, 29, Moscow, 123317, tel: +7(499)259–62–75

Russian Federation


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