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For the period from 2014 to 2018 years in surgical Department of the Republican children’s Clinical Hospital in Syktyvkar were treated children with stomach`s horistomа. Endoscopic picture of all patients appeared to be rather specific. In the stomach was determined by education dimensions 0,8–1,0 cm, deepening in the сentre, resembling the excretory duct of the pancreas. Six patients have performed laparoscopic atypical wedge resection of the stomach. One patient was unable to complete the operation laparoscopically, as horistoma was located on the back wall of the stomach. After you perform the conversion operation was completed. One patient in the first 24 hours after laparoscopic surgery emerged partial dehiscence of sutures on the stomach and carry out emergency necessitating additional sealing wounds nodal joints.

About the authors

V. G. Svarich

Republican children's clinical Hospital

Email: svarich61@mail.ru

SVARICH Vyacheslav Gavrilovich   head of the surgical department

167004, Syktyvkar, St. Pushkin, 116/6

Russian Federation

D. А. Lisitsyn

Republican children's clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Email: fake@neicon.ru

LISITSYN Dmitriy Aleksandrovich – заведующий эндоскопическим отделением


Russian Federation

I. M. Kagantsov

Republican children's clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

KAGANTSOV Ilya Markovich – MD, Head of the Uronefrological department


Russian Federation

Е. G. Perevozchikov

Republican children's clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

PEREVOZCHIKOV Evgeniy Georgievich – physician surgical department


Russian Federation

R. N. Islentiev

Republican children's clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

ISLENTIEV Ruslan Nikolaevich – physician surgical department


Russian Federation


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