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We present a case of complete extended tubular esophageal duplication in a newborn without concomitant abnormal development. Esophageal duplication is diagnosed based on the clinical picture, direct laryngoscopy, esophagography and contrastenhanced computed tomography. The esophageal duplication was removed by thoracoscopy, isolation from the pharynx was performed via a separate dissection on the neck.

About the authors

I. N. Khvorostov

Volgograd State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

KHVOROSTOV Igor Nicholaevich – MD, PhD, head of division of pediatric surgery

1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sg, Volgograd, 400131


Russian Federation

D. A. Andreev

Volgograd State Medical University


ANDREEV Dmitry Aleksandrovich – PhD, division of pediatric surgery

1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sg, Volgograd, 400131

Russian Federation

O. N. Damirov

Volgograd State Medical University


DAMIROV Oktai Natichovich – PhD, division of pediatric surgery

1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sg, Volgograd, 400131

Russian Federation


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