140 YEARS OF NOBLE SERVICE (St. Vladimir Children’s Hospital: 1876–2016)

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St. Vladimir Children’s Municipal Hospital celebrated its 140th anniversary in 2016. The article is devoted both to the history of the hospital and development of domestic pediatric surgery on the hospital territory. In the next issues the editorial staff of the magazine is planning to expand on the scientific and clinical activity of the pediatric surgery department of the hospital-based Central Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute.

About the authors

N. G. Kireeva

St. Vladimir Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Email: KireevaNG@zdrav.mos.ru
Head of the Department of Medical Statistics Russian Federation

V. P. Leonovich

St. Vladimir Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru
Journalist Russian Federation

V. V. Popov

St. Vladimir Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of St. Vladimir’s Children’s Hospital,

ul. Rubcovsko-Dvorcovaya,1/3 Moskva, 107014

Russian Federation


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