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The clinical picture, diagnosis and surgical treatment of a child with cavernous hemangioma of the spleen are described.

About the authors

I. P. Zhurilo

Kruglaya Scientific-clinical multidisciplinary center for medical care for mothers and children

Author for correspondence.

Dr Sci. (Med.), Deputy chief medical officer,

Orel, Oktyabrskaya str, 4

Russian Federation

A. I. Medvedev

Kruglaya Scientific-clinical multidisciplinary center for medical care for mothers and children


Cand. Sci. (Med.), chief medical officer,

Orel, Oktyabrskaya str, 4

Russian Federation

O. L. Chernogorov

Kruglaya Scientific-clinical multidisciplinary center for medical care for mothers and children


Head of Surgical Department,

Orel, Oktyabrskaya str, 4

Russian Federation

O. V. Petrova

Kruglaya Scientific-clinical multidisciplinary center for medical care for mothers and children


Pediatric Oncologist,

Orel, Oktyabrskaya str, 4

Russian Federation

O. A. Timoshina

Botkin Municipal Hospital


Head of pathoanatomical department,

Orel, 302028, Metallurgov St., 80

Russian Federation

A. G. Alekseev

Kruglaya Scientific-clinical multidisciplinary center for medical care for mothers and children;
Turgenev Orel State University


The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, 302028, Orel, October str., 25;

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor of the Department of Anatomy, Operational Surgery and Medicine of Catastrophes

Russian Federation


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