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The article describes a clinical case of treatment of a newborn with chyloperitoneum against the background of a severe concurrent pathology of the bronchopulmonary system. Chylous effusion was useful during a surgery. In the conservative therapy they used parenteral feeding, octreotide and artificial pulmonary ventilation. The complete parenteral feeding was given for 8 days. The total use of APV considering the concurrent pathology accounted for 86 days. The child was shifted to the second stage of care and discharged when he was 4 months old.

About the authors

N. M. Sudakova

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Email: tdgb-oritneo@yandex.ru

Dr.Sci (Med), Neonatologist of the Department of Neonatal Reanimatology,

Geroev Panfilovtsev str., 28 Moscow, 125373

Russian Federation

I. M. Osmanov

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Dr.Sci (Med), Prof., Сhief Medical Officer,

Geroev Panfilovtsev str., 28 Moscow, 125373

Russian Federation

I. F. Ostreykov

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Dr.Sci (Med), Prof., Head of the Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimatology and Toxicology of Childhood,

Barrikadnaya str., 2/1, Moscow, 123836

Russian Federation

I. D. Maykova

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Deputy of Сhief Medical Officer,

Geroev Panfilovtsev str., 28 Moscow, 125373

Russian Federation

V. N. Podkopaev

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Newborns Reanimation,

Geroev Panfilovtsev str., 28 Moscow, 125373

Russian Federation

G. N. Lagoshin

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

The Department of Newborns Reanimation,

Geroev Panfilovtsev str., 28 Moscow, 125373

Russian Federation

Y. N. Dovnar

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru

The Department of Newborns Reanimation,

Geroev Panfilovtsev str., 28 Moscow, 125373

Russian Federation

Yu. Yu. Sokolov

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Email: sokolov-surg@yandex.ru
Dr.Sci (med), professor, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Russian Federation


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