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The article presents the results of retrospective analysis of treatment of 71 newborns with necrotizing enterocolitis admitted to the Centre of Pediatric Surgery from 2007 to 2015. Peculiarities related to the course of pregnancy, labor, volume and quality of rendered aid at labor, duration of newborns’ stay at the resuscitation departments, treatment type, time of beginning and method of enteral feeding raising, clinical and laboratory data of initial manifestations and signs of necrotizing enterocolitis at the stages of rendering specialized aid before admittance to the hospital. Data are analyzed using https:// online program. The most significant factors influencing the outcome of NEC in mature and premature patients considering the body mass at birth and gestational age are established. Groups of risk among pregnant women and premature newborns are revealed. It is established that the most significant factors influencing the outcome of NEC in premature and mature children are represented by the body mass at birth and gestational age.

About the authors

A. A. Svirsky

State institution «Republican Scientific and practical Center of Pediatric Surgery»

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

I. A. Sevkovsky

State institution «Republican Scientific and practical Center of Pediatric Surgery»

Russian Federation

V. I. Averin

Educational Establishment "Belarusian State Medical University"

Russian Federation

K. Yu. Marakhovsky

State institution «Republican Scientific and practical Center of Pediatric Surgery»

Russian Federation

A. M. Makhlin

State institution «Republican Scientific and practical Center of Pediatric Surgery»

Russian Federation

L. V. Valek

State institution «Republican Scientific and practical Center of Pediatric Surgery»

Russian Federation

E. V. Silina

State institution «Republican Scientific and practical Center of Pediatric Surgery»

Russian Federation

E. V. Anisimova

State institution «Republican Scientific and practical Center of Pediatric Surgery»

Russian Federation

E. V. Ustinovich

State institution «Republican Scientific and practical Center of Pediatric Surgery»

Russian Federation

V. Yu. Poleschuk

Educational Establishment "Belarusian State Medical University"

Russian Federation

A. A. Kachan

Educational Establishment "Belarusian State Medical University"

Russian Federation


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