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This article briefly analyzes the development of the Soviet healthcare and medical science in the pre-war period, highlights the training of military doctors and states data on losses in manpower during the Great Patriotic War. Due to the scientific approach to organization of army medical support, efficient study of experience and development of innovative, most rational forms and methods of activity at all stages of medical evacuation the Medical Service of the Red Army was capable to achieve spectacular results i. e. 71.7% of the injured returned to the battle field. The medical personnel did it at a high price: 125,808 medical specialists were injured and 84,793 of them died during that war. What was done by the Soviet military medicine in those years can definitely be called a deed.

About the authors

Yu. I. Pogodin

Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

V. V. Kulbachinsky

Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education

Russian Federation

V. R. Medvedev

Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education

Russian Federation

Yu. V. Tarasevich

Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education

Russian Federation


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