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Biopsies of removed spina bifida and regional tissue in 21 children (before the age of 1 year) who were operated on meningoradiculocele and 18 biopsies in combination with congenital intradural malformations were exposed to morphological study. Retrospective analysis of histological features of the various forms of spina bifida identified an objective assessment of expediency of different methods of surgical treatment according to the form of malformation. The results showed that skin covering the area of all forms of spina bifida is characterized by distinct polymorphism. At the same time the specific changes of epidermis were not found in the various forms of spina bifida. The often result of operations, which were conducted outside of a specialized agency, is aggravation of the disintegration and demyelization processes caused by secondary arachnoid, soft and dura mater adhesions, greater involvement of the spinal cord pathways and roots in the adhesions, severe disorders of local hemodynamics.

About the authors

A. M. Shamsiev

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

B. P. Aliyev

Samarkand State Medical Institute; 2th Clinic of Samarkand State Medical Institute; The Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Russian Federation

S. N. Nikolaev

The Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Russian Federation

I. M. Baibekov

Samarkand State Medical Institute; 2th Clinic of Samarkand State Medical Institute; The Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Russian Federation

J. A. Shamsiev

Samarkand State Medical Institute; 2th Clinic of Samarkand State Medical Institute; The Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Russian Federation


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