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This article is devoted to the experience of using Boneceram bone substitute at the department of traumatology and orthopedics of the Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital’. It deals with different pathologies of osseous tissue, surgical interventions requiring osseous heteroplasty and treatment outcomes.

About the authors

V. V. Fokhtin

State-Funded Educational Institution ‘N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University'

Author for correspondence.
Email: doctormrak@rambler.ru
Russian Federation

E. P. Kuznechikhin

State-Funded Educational Institution ‘N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University'; Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Russian Children's Clinical Hospital' of the Ministry of Health and Social Development

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

A. S. Kuzin

Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Russian Children's Clinical Hospital' of the Ministry of Health and Social Development

Email: travma7@mail.ru
Russian Federation

L. A. Makhrov

State-Funded Educational Institution ‘N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University'; Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Russian Children's Clinical Hospital' of the Ministry of Health and Social Development

Email: travma7@mail.ru
Russian Federation


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