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This article summarizes the clinical experience in diagnostics and treatment of destructive pneumonia in 258 children. The presented algorithm enables to make a timely diagnosis and provide necessary therapeutic aid including mini-invasive interventions to children with pulmonary and pleural complications of pneumonia. The single port thoracoscopy and ultrasound irrigation of the pleural cavity with the antibiotic-containing solution free the lung from fibrin coating, deliver the preparation to the focus of inflammation and remove the inflammatory exudate. Ultrasound screening used during treatment considerably expands the possibilities of pathology diagnostics and invasive methods of treatment.

About the authors

D. V. Khaspekov

St. Vladimir Municipal Children's Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

E. B. Olkhova

Moscow State Medical and Dental University after A.I. Evdokimov

Russian Federation

O. G. Topilin

St. Vladimir Municipal Children's Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation

D. A. Safin

St. Vladimir Municipal Children's Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation

N. V. Tkachenko

St. Vladimir Municipal Children's Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation

Yu. Yu. Sokolov

Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education

Russian Federation


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