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Volume 6, Nº 3 (2016)


Requirements imposed on model objects in microevolutionary studies

Mina M.


Extrapolation of the results from the investigation of a model object is justified only within the limits of a set of objects that have essential properties in common with the modal object. Which properties are essential depends on the aim of the study. A similarity of objects that emerged in the process of their independent evolution does not prove a similarity of the paths and mechanisms of their evolution. If the objects differ in their essential properties, then an extrapolation of the results from the investigation of one object to another is risky, because it may lead to wrong decisions and, moreover, to the loss of interest in alternative hypotheses. The positions formulated above are considered with reference to species flocks of fishes, the large African Barbus in particular.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2016;6(3):203-207
pages 203-207 views

Stable morphological types and mosaicism in the macroevolution of birds (Neornithes)

Zelenkov N.


The apparent morphological lacunae dividing the macrotaxa of modern birds (orders of Neornithes) present a serious impediment to the construction of macroevolution models. However, the discovery and detailed investigation of multiple groups of fossil birds in recent decades contributed to the elucidation of the process of the formation of modern higher taxa and allowed for analysis of the macroevolution process that occurred in this group of vertebrates during the Cenozoic period. The present article is a concise review of the “transitional” taxa with a focus on representatives of the Galloanseres clade. Almost all of the transitional bird forms exhibit a mosaic morphology, although certain stable morphological traits or combinations of traits occur in different groups and may represent either a primitive or an advanced feature for a specific group. The stability of these morphological features is due to the correlation between ontogenetic processes, whereas the independent evolution of individual morphological characteristics is related to the modular organization of ontogeny. The problem of the emergence of the morphological type of modern Passeriformes is discussed with modular organization of the birds’ feet as an example. Mosaicism of the features in the transitional forms is regarded as the only macroevolutionary pathway possible, given the restraint on parallel optimization of multiple systems of the body. Consequently, stem taxa with mosaic morphology are regarded as ancestors of crown taxa. Complete filling of the lacunae between taxa does not occur during macroevolution, since the “transitional” taxa are separated from the respective descendant and ancestor taxa by lacunae as well. Notably, the evolutionary formation of some higher taxa of birds started with the formation of advanced morphology of the jaw apparatus and the entire skull, while the postcranial skeleton initially remained plesiomorphic.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2016;6(3):208-218
pages 208-218 views

Reduction of variability of individual colonization programs in black-headed gulls (Larus ridibundus) leads to diminished reproductive success

Druzyaka A.


The study is devoted to the problem of adaptive significance of territorial antagonism in colonial birds. Many of them are characterized by a high intensity and diversity of territorial demonstrations, along with tolerance of each other and a tendency to aggregate. Here we consider the effects of territorial behavior on the viability of a breeding colony. We analyze the breeding of black-headed gull in two colonies formed under the impact of a short-term temperature fall in 2008, which resulted in a 7-day shift in the timing of egg laying. Compared with the colonies at the same reservoirs, one in 2007 and one in 2009, the number of nests and their density in 2008 were much smaller, whereas the duration of settling, nest density growth, and average size of breeding territories did not change. The average body weight of adult birds during incubation was stable throughout all years; however, the correlations typical for 2007 and 2009 (negative between the female mass and date of clutching start and positive between masses of parents) were absent, suggesting that assortative mating by body mass and territory size was not the case in 2008. The average clutch, egg, and hatching sizes were on average smaller in 2008, while mortality due to attacks of aerial predators was much higher than in other years. In 2007 and 2009, birds that started egg-laying in the first 5 days after the first egg appeared in the colony (pioneer settlers) were larger than others (the so-called followers) and produced a larger offspring. These differences were not observed in 2008. According to our data, due to the impact of cold weather, some birds abandoned their nesting sites and others were sick, but they mostly behaved as pioneer settlers and formed underpopulated and sparse colonies. We assume that the formation of a viable colony requires the interaction of highly territorial “pioneers” and a certain number of less competitive followers. The withdrawal of the latter results in a general reproductive failure of the colony. Thus, the pattern of colony formation in black-headed gull turns natural selection towards a maintenance of the variety of individual programs of territorial competition.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2016;6(3):219-231
pages 219-231 views

The role of hybrid zones in speciation: A case study on chromosome races of the house mouse Mus domesticus and common shrew Sorex araneus

Lavrenchenko L., Bulatova N.


Although diverse complexes of chromosome races are of rather rare occurrence in mammals, this does not reduce their importance to an insignificant phenomenon unworthy of studying as a unique case without direct analogy. Moreover, these complexes represent virtually ideal models for estimation of the impact of hybridization on the process of microevolution. The chromosome races are characterized by an almost zero level of molecular genetic differentiation and well-defined distinctions between them, which are usually associated only with chromosome rearrangements. This review shows the valuable contribution of the studies on Sorex araneus and Mus domesticus chromosome Robertsonian systems to our understanding of the varied impacts of hybridization on the speciation process. It particularly promotes a better understanding of evolutionary phenomena such as the “reinforcement” of reproductive isolation in secondary contact zones between divergent populations, speciation without geographic separation (“divergence with gene flow”), and “zonal raciation.”

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2016;6(3):232-244
pages 232-244 views

Caucasian cryptic species of rodents as models in research on the problems of species and speciation

Baskevich M., Potapov S., Mironova T.


Problems of species and speciation have been considered with cryptic rodent species of the Caucasus as models. The Caucasian mountain system is characterized by a pronounced altitudinal gradient of the environmental conditions and insular nature of the present-day mountain habitats. These circumstances provide additional possibilities for choosing the concept of species (biological or phylogenetic) and elucidating the speciation pathways (sympatric or allopatric speciation) for model groups of cryptic species, as well as for testing the “refugia” hypothesis. Sibling Sicista species of the “caucasica” group (a group of unstriped birch mice of the Caucasus) and voles belonging to the subgenus Terricola (Microtus, Arvicolinae) were used as model species. Novel data on the karyotype, nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytb, multivariate statistical analysis of odontologic features, and biogeography of sibling Sicista species of the “caucasica” group and pine voles belonging to the subgenus Terricola (Microtus, Arvicolinae) were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of these species in the Caucasus and analyze the concepts of species applicable to the animals studied. An allopatric distribution consistent with the hypothesis of speciation in refugia is characteristic of modern sibling Sicista species of the “caucasica” group. The sympatry of Terricola sibling species in the Caucasus is assumed to be secondary, with the phenotypic similarity of the species assumed to stem from adaptation to similar environmental conditions. The coexistence of Microtus (Terricola) majori and Microtus (Terricola) daghestanicus in the Caucasus and the absence of hybridization between these species confirms the sibling status of these species within the biological concept of species. The existence of Sicista allospecies in the group of unstriped Caucasian birch mice is in best agreement with the phylogenetic concept of species, but considerable chromosomal differences between sibling species, particularly between the extremes of a single evolutionary series within the group (Sicista kazbegica and Sicista kluchorica), do not contradict the biological concept of species.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2016;6(3):245-259
pages 245-259 views

Assortative mating and intrapopulation polymorphism maintenance in natural populations and laboratory lines of insects

Benkovskaya G., Nikonorov Y.


Speciation is a microevolutionary process that starts with intraspecies differentiation, followed by the establishment of reproductive isolation. One of the intrinsic isolating factors causing physiological isolation is assortative mating. As a result of many years of observations of the natural populations on the territory of the South Urals (the Bashkortostan Republic) and long-term laboratory experiments, we revealed assortative mating in populations of the potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The assortativity of mating manifested itself as a statistically significant deviation from the normal distribution of the frequencies of imago pairs belonging to three morphological types, which are defined by the degree of integument pattern melanization, namely, the achromists (A), melanists (M), and intermediate type (I). In copulo, we have not detected mating between achromist males (A) and melanist females (M), with the active choice in this case belonging to males. Under the laboratory conditions, with a sampling of 40 artificially formed pairs, we revealed statistical differences in the longevity and breeding performance of imagoes belonging to different morphological types. Achromists and melanists were characterized by a statistically higher longevity, almost two times higher than that in individuals of the intermediate type. Females of the intermediate type showed statistically higher fecundity in the homonomous crosses than achromists and melanists. It was demonstrated that the viability of the progeny also differed statistically in different pairs. The highest viability was detected for the progeny obtained from the type A and type I females. The observed differences indicated the existence of different reproductive strategies in studied species populations. In the S laboratory line of the common house fly Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), we detected individuals with different reproductive strategies associated with longevity. The maximum longevity in two inbred lines, Sh28 (short-living) and L2 line (long-living), isolated from the S line showed a statistical, almost twofold difference. Mass reproduction time is confined to the first or second week of the imago stage in the short-living fly line; it is shifted to the third or fourth week in long-living flies. In reciprocal crosses between the lines, we detected a dramatic decrease in the fecundity of the females and a decrease in the viability of the hybrid females. The results confirm the essential role of assortative mating and frequency-dependent selection in the maintenance of the intrapopulation diversity.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2016;6(3):260-266
pages 260-266 views

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