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卷 6, 编号 1 (2016)


Problems of the quality of cause-specific mortality statistics at old ages

Danilova I.


This paper briefly analyzes the quality of cause-specific mortality statistics at old ages in Russia. Two aspects were the focus of the work: the regional differences in approaches for choosing the underlying cause of death and the comparison of the Russian coding practice with the practices of several other European countries. The results of the study indicate that there are certain problems with the quality of cause-of-death coding at old ages in Russia. No unified approach to coding deaths caused by senility is used at the subnational level, which leads to the distortion of the regional cause-specific mortality structures. Furthermore, for many groups of causes Russian death rates are much lower than those in European countries. This peculiarity is caused by the specificity of the Russian cause-of-death coding practice, which results in underestimating the mortality from certain causes at old ages.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):1-5
pages 1-5 views

The season of birth and mortality based on epidemiological studies of worker mortality

Yakovleva T., Novokhatskaya E., Kalitina M., Tikhonova G.


A comparative assessment of the absolute risk of death of people who were born in different seasons and months based on epidemiological studies of a retrospective cohort that was surveyed for a 40-year period (from the end of 20th to the beginning of the 21st century) is presented. It is shown that the mortality of those who were born in January–February differs from the similar parameters of people who were born in March–April.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):6-9
pages 6-9 views

Deterioration of temporal order and circadian disruption with age 2: Systemic mechanisms of aging-related circadian disruption and approaches to its correction

Gubin D., Weinert D.


The mechanisms that underlie the impairment of coordination of the circadian system relatively to external and internal zeitgebers are discussed in the second part of this review. The main strategic approaches to the prevention of manifestations of aging-related circadian disruption are analyzed with special emphasis on the role of photoperiodism (the primary factor) and that of secondary entraining factors. Bright light therapy, the use of melatonin and other chronobiotics, maintenance of the rhythm of body temperature, and a daily regimen of physical activity and nutrition are considered with a focus on the opportunities for enhancement of the efficiency of each method using a personalized approach and on the novel advantages that are provided by combining these methods.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):10-20
pages 10-20 views

On the expedience and prospects of immortality

Makrushin A.


Anthropogenic activities constantly change the human environment; this environment will also change in the future. To survive, the human population should be genetically reorganized in accordance with these changes, which requires succession of generations. The mechanism of senescence is not an atavism that we would like to avoid but an achievement of evolution that maintains the existence of mankind.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):21-23
pages 21-23 views

Neurocomputational identification of order parameters in gerontology

Eskov V., Eskov V., Filatova O., Khadartsev A., Sinenko D.


The fallacy of using a neuroemulator only once or with a small number of iterations (p ≤ 50) to solve the group-separation problem (a binary classification problem) in a five-dimensional phase space has been demonstrated using the example of the parameters of five active components (of the 14 that were registered) of the state vector of the cardiorespiratory system in Khanty (indigenous people of Yugra, Russia) women from three age groups. The necessity of repeating the neuroemulator-based solution of the binary classification problem at least 1000 times has been demonstrated: in this case, the most significant diagnostic features, xi, could be identified with a precision of two significant fraction digits that are most relevant for the diagnostics of the aging rate (finding a solution of the system-synthesis problem in gerontology).

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):24-28
pages 24-28 views

Telomere length, telomerase activity, stress, and aging

Spivak I., Mikhelson V., Spivak D.


This review is dedicated to an analysis of the data that are available at the present time concerning the possible influence of stress on telomere lengths and telomerase activity, as well as various ways of counteracting it. The present-day telomerase theory of aging is gaining new impetus and shedding light upon the influence of the psychological state of humans and their ability to counteract stress, as well as on the process of aging. It also tends to regard telomere shortening and the decrease in the activity of telomerase as a marker of the level of the ability to adapt to both internal and external influences. Both aging and age-dependent diseases have proven to be substantially retarded not only by the administration of drugs, but also by psychological means, which forms a good path to healthy longevity. With complete understanding of the impossibility of preventing or even decreasing the rate of natural senescence itself, these methods allow one to remove causes that accelerate senescence and to increase the average human lifespan.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):29-35
pages 29-35 views

Signaling molecules of the endometrium: Gerontological and general pathological aspects

Grigorian I., Linkova N., Polyakova V., Paltseva E., Kozlov K.


This review describes the expression of neuroendocrine and immune signaling molecules in human endometrial cells under normal and pathological conditions and during aging. Human endometrial cells synthesize estrogen, progesterone, estradiol, progestin, cell-adhesion molecules (integrins α1β1, α4β1, αVβ3, L-selectin, E-cadherin, and MUC1), growth factors (TGF, EGF, HB-EGF, and IGF), cytokines (IL-1, IL-2, INF-α, IL-12, CXCL10, CXCL11, and CXCR3), various immune-cell markers (CD68, CD105, CD163, CD16, CD56, CD4, and CD8), and heat-shock proteins (HSP60, HSP70, HSP90, VEGF, and MMP). Aberrations in their expression levels underlie such socially significant diseases as endometriosis, endometrial cancer, and infertility. Thus, investigation of neuroendocrine and immune interactions among endometrial cells can be used for the purposes of drug development, differential diagnostics of endometrial cancer, and increasing the efficacy of in vitro fertilization.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):36-43
pages 36-43 views

The type of age-related cataract as a marker of socially significant diseases

Korsakova N.


The aim of this research was to analyze the general somatic status and to compare the functional activities of the sympathetic versus parasympathetic parts of a patient’s vegetative nervous system in the formation of a particular type of age-related cataract. It has been for found that in cases of a cortical age-related cataract, the predominance of sympathetic effects of the vegetative nervous system and corresponding features of systemic diastrophic changes in tissues is typical. In cases of the nuclear type of senile cataract, on the other hand, the predominance of para-symptomatic effects, which led to dystrophic changes of a different type, was found. Therefore, the type of age-related cataract can be proposed as an accessible clinical marker of the character of the neuro-dystrophic process in a patient.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):44-46
pages 44-46 views

Aging-related changes in the blood flow rate and oxygen saturation of the blood in the cerebral cortex of rats

Sokolova I., Puzanov M., Melnykova N., Mourovets V., Sergeev I., Dvoretsky D.


Male Wistar-Kyoto rats received intracerebral transplantation of syngeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) at 22–24 months of age. The cognitive function of these animals was tested and the microvasculature density, tissue blood-flow rate, and oxygen saturation of mixed blood in the cortical microvasculature were measured in the sensorimotor cortex of the contralateral brain hemisphere under standard conditions, after norepinephrine application, and in global ischemia 3 weeks after cell transplantation. Rats at 2–3 and 22–24 months of age were used as the control groups. MSC transplantation had a positive impact on microcirculation in the cerebral cortex of old animals: deterioration of the vascular bed was prevented and the level of oxygen saturation of blood in the microvasculature was elevated; therefore, the tolerance of animals to the spasm of pial arterioles and global cerebral ischemia was increased, although aging-related decline of cognitive functions was not alleviated.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Clinical and pathogenic features of ischemic stroke among representatives of different gender and age groups

Myakotnykh V., Kravtsova E., Martynova G., Soloviev R., Berezina D., Borovkova T., Myakotnykh K.


A total of 1410 patients with ischemic stroke (IS) of four main clinical and pathogenic subtypes, viz., atherothrombotic, cardioembolic, hemodynamic, and lacunar strokes, were studied. We analyzed the dependence of the pathogenic subtype of the stroke, its background pathologies, and stroke risk factors on the age and gender of the patients. It was found that senior patients were more susceptible to atherothrombotic ischemic strokes and patients of working age more frequently suffered from lacunar and hemodynamic strokes, although cases of atherothrombotic strokes in this age cohort were more often observed in male patients. The significance of arterial hypertension in the development of ischemic stroke decreases with age but the role of cerebral arteriosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and cardiac arrhythmias greatly expands. At retirement age, the prevalent risk factors of ischemic stroke are lack of physical exercise, being overweight, and dyslipidemia, with reducing roles of smoking and stress, which are more relevant to the working ages. The occurrence of particular risk factors and IS background diseases is age specific but in different age periods and for different pathogenic subtypes of ischemic stroke this dependence changes, while at the retirement ages it is less distinct than for the working-age cohort.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):52-59
pages 52-59 views

Early diagnosis of delirium in elderly patients with acute stroke

Kutlubaev M., Bikbulatova L., Akhmadeeva L.


Delirium is a common of stroke complication that aggravates the patient’s prognosis. The aim of this study was to identify the groups that are at risk of developing delirium among elderly patients with acute stroke and assess the diagnostic value of the 4-A test in identifying delirium in this category of patients. In total, 73 patients were included in the study; 33 of them (45%) had the symptoms of delirium, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM-IV). Delirious patients had more severe neurological deficit and more prominent chronic changes in the brain on CT images; they also had more frequently positive primitive reflexes and a higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate. All six patients with pneumonia were delirious. The Russian version of the 4-A test demonstrated good psychometric properties. Thus, the risk of developing delirium in elderly patients in the acute period of stroke is increased in cases of severe strokes, in the presence of chronic changes in the brain according to CT and clinical examination, and inflammatory complications. The targeted screening of patients with the indicated risk factors using tools such as 4-AT will allow delirium to be identified more efficiently and quickly in its early stages in elderly patients with acute stroke.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):60-66
pages 60-66 views

Evaluation of pharmacotherapy with perindopril, losartan potassium, and their combination in elderly patients with chronic heart failure

Svetyy L., Lopukhova V., Tarasenko I.


Seventy-eight patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) FC II–IV (according to the NYHA classification), which complicated the course of coronary heart disease (CHD) at the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤45% were examined in order to evaluate the effects of pharmacotherapy with perindopril, losartan potassium, and their combination on the severity of clinical symptoms, hemodynamics, tolerance to physical activity, and the morphofunctional parameters of the heart in elderly patients with CHF. The study included 42 men (53.8%) and 36 women (46.2%) at the average age of 64.8 ± 3.7 years. It was found that under long-term monotherapy with perindopril or losartan potassium the CHF FC was significantly reduced and the LVEF was significantly increased (p < 0.05) in patients with CHF complicating the course of CHD. At the same time, there were no advantages of combined treatment with perindopril and losartan potassium over monotherapy. A significant decrease in the frequency of angina attacks, viz., by 28.5 and 27%, respectively (p < 0.05), was observed in these patients only after long-term treatment with perindopril and the combination of perindopril and losartan potassium.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):67-69
pages 67-69 views

Metformin reduces the signs of sarcopenia in old OXYS rats

Kolosova N., Vitovtov A., Stefanova N.


The increasing prevalence of sarcopenia dictates the need to develop effective strategies for its prevention. Mimetics of caloric restriction, including the antidiabetic biguanide metformin (MF), are considered as promising geroprotectors, which comprehensively affect the processes of aging. The evaluation of the ability of MF to influence the signs of sarcopenia in senescence-accelerated OXYS rats under treatment with MF (100 or 300 mg/kg, daily, with feed) at the age of 19–24 months, when the signs of sarcopenia are already present, was performed. The effects of MF on the muscular strength of the rats and the structural and functional parameters of skeletal muscle were investigated using light microscopy. It was shown that the drug slowed the age-related atrophy of muscle bundles due to slowing the necrosis of the individual fibers, suppressed sclerotic changes in skeletal muscle and hypertrophy of connective tissue of the perimysium with a greater effect on the endomysium, and significantly improved the blood supply and metabolism in the fibers. As a result of MF treatment, qualitative characteristics and quantitative parameters for the structure of skeletal muscle of OXYS rats came close to that of Wistar rats, leading to an increase of muscle strength of the rats and the absence of the characteristic senile weight loss.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):70-74
pages 70-74 views

The influence of age and the degree of compensation of carbohydrate metabolism on metabolic changes in the blood of female patients with type 2 diabetes

Mikashinovich Z., Ishonina O., Krivolapova E.


The purpose of this study was a comprehensive analysis of various aspects of the metabolism of erythrocytes in women with type 2 diabetes, according to the age characteristics of carbohydrate-metabolism compensation. The results, which are based on the nature of changes in the parameters of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, gas transport, and antioxidant systems of the blood, contribute to the understanding of the role of metabolic changes in red-blood cells leading to changes in their biological properties, the severity of which reflects the adaptive capacity of the body in terms of hyperglycemia in different age groups in type 2 diabetes.

Advances in Gerontology. 2016;6(1):75-80
pages 75-80 views