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Том 9, № 3 (2019)


Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) in Human Skin during Aging

Gunin A., Golubtzova N.


The goal of the present study is to examine the level of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) in fibroblasts and blood microvessels of the human dermis from the development until deep aging (from 20 weeks’ gestation to 85 years of age), and to determine the role of TGF-β in age-dependent changes in the number of fibroblasts and blood microvessels in the dermis. The contents of TGF-β, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and endothelial cell marker CD31 are assessed with the indirect immunohistochemical technique. The results show an increase in the of the proportion of the fibroblasts stained positive for TGF-β in the dermis from 20 weeks’ gestation until 85 years of age. A greater increase in the percentage of TGF-β positive fibroblasts in the human dermis is observed after birth and after the age of 40 years. The content of TGF-β in the blood microvessels of the human dermis decreases significantly after the age of 41 years. An age-related increase in the proportion of fibroblasts stained positive for TGF-β is associated with an age-related reduction of the total number and the percentage of PCNA positive fibroblasts in the human dermis. An age-related decrease in the content of TGF-β in blood microvessels is accompanied by an age-related decrease in their number in the dermis. An age-related increase in the fibroblast content of TGF-β is associated with an age-dependent decrease in their total number and proliferation in the dermis. The age-related reduction of TGF-β content in blood microvessels of dermis is associated with an age-related decrease in the number of blood microvessels in the dermis.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):267-273
pages 267-273 views

Age-Related Changes in the Functional Indices of Cardiac Mitochondria in Chronic Alcohol Intoxication in Rats

Popova T., Prokofiev I., Khusainova G., Perfilova V., Kustova M., Tyurenkov I., Bagmetova V., Ostrovsky O., Dudchenko G.


The effect of chronic continuous consumption of 5 and 10% ethanol solutions for six months on the respiratory function and oxidant/antioxidant status in the cardiac mitochondria of rats of different gender and age is studied. A decrease in the rate of oxygen consumption by cardiomyocyte mitochondria under the V2, V3, and V4 metabolic conditions according to Chance during the activation of the respiratory chain complexes I, I + II, and II is observed in old animals (24-month-old) compared to young (11-month-old) rats. The level of the products of lipid peroxidation (LPO) (malondialdehyde) in the cardiomyocyte mitochondria increases, whereas the activity of the antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase) decreases. Chronic alcoholization of 24-month-old rats of both genders results in a more pronounced decline in the activity of respiratory function of the cardiac mitochondria, disintegration of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation, reduced activity of antiradical protection enzymes, and an increase in the level of LPO products compared to younger rats.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):274-282
pages 274-282 views

Changes in the Activity of Glutathione Peroxidase in the Blood Plasma and Serum of Rats during Postnatal Development and Aging

Razygraev A., Petrosyan M., Tumasova Z., Taborskaya K., Polyanskikh L., Baziian E., Balashova N.


The activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in plasma and serum of Wistar rats during postnatal ontogeny and aging is studied. A combination of various substrates is used for assessment of the enzymatic activity. During the period of milk nutrition, since the beginning of the consumption of solid food, GPx activity is rapidly increasing and almost reaches the adult level by 1.5 months. Enzyme activity remains stable in adulthood and has long been high in aging rats. A decrease in GPx activity around 23–26 months of age is revealed, with reduced homocysteine (but not with reduced glutathione) as a GPx substrate. The dramatic increase of GPx activity in plasma from 0.5 to 1–1.5 months of age may be an adaptation to consumption of solid food that may contain substances inducing oxidative stress. Probably, with sufficient selenium consumption, a decrease in GPx activity in rat plasma occurs only in extreme old age and can be considered as an indicator of physiological aging.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):283-288
pages 283-288 views

Induced Liver Fibrosis Is Accompanied in Young and Old Animals by Age-Dependent Changes in Bone Marrow Cells

Bozhkov A., Ohiienko S., Bondar A., Klimova E., Ivanov E.


The purpose of the study is to test the hypothesis stating that the functional characteristics of bone marrow cells (BMCs), such as the proliferation rate and the focus of differentiation, etc., are determined not so much by the age of animals as by some specificities in the microenvironment of the BMCs. To test this hypothesis, two techniques to change the microenvironment are used—in vivo (induction of liver fibrosis in young and old animals) and in vitro (transferal of BMCs isolated from young and old animals of both control groups and groups with fibrosis into the same standard culturing system). It is found that these particular forms of fibrosis induced by administering copper sulfate (CuSO4) or carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) have different effects on the ratios between BMC types of young and old animals. For example, whereas the relative number of morphologically identifiable cell types decreases for young rats, irrespective of the particular inducer of liver fibrosis, this process is accompanied for old animals by an increase in identifiable cell types in the case of CuSO4-induced liver fibrosis and does not change when liver fibrosis is induced by CCl4. The proliferative activity of BMCs isolated from old animals and transferred into the in vitro culture exceeds this activity for young rats. This can be explained by the higher (by 167%) content of lymphocytes in the bone marrow of old animals, as well as by the specific composition and characteristics of the microenvironment of their BMCs.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):289-297
pages 289-297 views

Transformation of Erythrocytes in Rats of Different Ages

Lomako V., Shylo O.


The dynamics of transformation and osmotic fragility (OF) of erythrocytes in the blood of rats of different ages (6, 12, and 24 months) were studied. The indices of transformation of erythrocytes were calculated. The heterogeneity of the erythrocyte population in the blood increases with age. The proportion of both normal and highly resistant flattened discocytes decreases. The proportion of flattened discocytes is the lowest in 12-month-old rats. Correspondingly, the proportion of erythrocytes with altered shapes, both reversibly (stomatocytes) and irreversibly (spherocytes), increases with age. The transformation of erythrocytes develops via the stomatocytic pathway. The level of erythrocyte OF does not differ significantly between rats of different ages. However, a tendency toward increasing fragility is observed. The indices of transformation, both reversible and irreversible, increase with age, except for the reversibility index, which is the highest in 6‑month-old rats, is not significantly changed in 12-month-old rats, and is decreased almost 3.5-fold in 24‑month-old rats compared to 6-month-old ones. The transformation index is lower and the reversibility index higher in 6-month-old rats compared to the other age groups.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):298-302
pages 298-302 views

Morphochemical Changes in the Human Striatum in Aging

Ivanov M., Kutukova K., Khudoerkov R.


Age-dependent neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, are characterized by a group of pathomorphological signs, such as neuronal death in certain brain structures, gliosis, and iron accumulation. However, literature data confirm that these signs can also be observed in normal (physiological) aging. The aim of the study is to evaluate qualitative and quantitative morphochemical changes in neurons and neuroglia in the human striatum in physiological aging, as well as changes in the localization of iron(II) compounds. It is found that neuronal cell bodies become significantly smaller in size at older ages, as compared with mature years, although the density of their distribution does not differ; the distribution density of total neuroglia and astrocytes, however, becomes higher at older ages. In addition, accumulations of iron(II) compounds are diagnosed along the vascular walls and inside the cytoplasm of neurons and glial cells. The indicators of physiological aging obtained in this research may serve as a basis for comparative studies of neurodegenerative processes in normal and pathological aging and for the pathomorphological diagnosis of age-associated neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):303-307
pages 303-307 views

Kinetic Model of Aging Biological Species in Natural Habitat

Viktorov A., Kholodnov V., Anofriev A.


It is found that the rate of change (kinetics) of the probability of death of representatives of living systems (LS) of different biological species—Drosophila, mice, rats, dogs, horses, and people in natural environments residing in different geographical areas—is described by a kinetic equation with similar values of the parameters. However, the kinetics of the probability of death of young people and rats, starting from birth, is more accurately described by a kinetic equation of a slightly different type, taking into account the prevailing process of development and adaptation of the organism to the environment. On the basis of a single kinetic approach to the description of the probability of death, an analytical model of the intensity of mortality in LS (approximation of the mortality rate—MR) is developed. It is shown that the approximation proposed by Gompertz to MR by an increasing exponent (law of Gompertz) is a special case of the unified mathematical model proposed in this paper.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):308-316
pages 308-316 views

Gender Specificity of the Effect of Neonatal Melatonin Administration on Lifespan and Age-Associated Pathology in 129/Sv Mice

Yurova M., Tyndyk M., Popovich I., Golubev A., Anisimov V.


Melatonin is subcutaneously administered in a single dose of 1.2 μg to 129/Sv mice at days 3, 5, and 7 after birth, and the mice are observed until natural death. In adult males, a decrease in the body weight and a reduction of the contribution of lung lesions detected during postmortal autopsy to mortality are detected. In adult females, an increase in the proportion of mice with impaired estrous cycle at the later stages of life and an acceleration of the mortality associated with uterine hemangioma are observed with the absence of any effect of melatonin on the body weight. Changes in the frequency of detection of other tumors are multidirectional: there is a decrease in the frequency in males and an increase in females. The age of death of the last 25% and 10% of males increases, while in females it decreases. An analysis of the complete survivorship curves using the Gompertz model does not reveal changes in the rate of aging and initial mortality sufficient to go beyond the limits determined by the artifact component of the Strehler–Mildvan correlation between these parameters. In general, the tendencies noted in males and females are multidirectional: favorable and unfavorable, respectively. Melatonin is contraindicated for pregnant and nursing women and children under 18 years old. The gender specificity of the effects of melatonin, apparently, should be considered when assessing the feasibility of its prescription to these categories.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):317-326
pages 317-326 views

Dose-Dependent Mechanisms of Melatonin on the Functioning of the Cardiovascular System and on the Behavior of Normotensive Rats of Different Ages

Pliss M., Kuzmenko N., Rubanova N., Tsyrlin V.


The purpose of the work on normotensive rats of different age groups (3, 15, and 22 months) is to study the synchronism between the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the locomotor activity of animals in open field tests by a single injection of exogenous melatonin in different doses (1 and 10 mg/kg). The studies show a unidirectional dose-dependent effect of exogenous melatonin on the locomotor activity of rats of different ages and an age-dependent effect of melatonin on the parameters of the cardiovascular system. The results show the possible desynchronization between the circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and the functioning of the cardiovascular system with aging, which can lead to a discrepancy between hemodynamic parameters and the level of locomotor activity.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):327-335
pages 327-335 views

The Effect of Different Types of Bariatric Surgery on Metabolic and Hormonal Parameters in Rats with a Decompensated Form of Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Kornyushin O., Bakhtyukov A., Zorina I., Toropova Y., Derkach K., Berko O., Todosenko M., Litvinova L., Shpakov A., Galagudza M.


Bariatric surgery (BS), including sleeve gastrectomy (SG), gastric bypass (GB), and ileal transposition (IT), is one of the approaches currently used for the correction of metabolic disturbances in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) with obesity. However, the efficiency of these approaches and their impact on hypothalamic signaling and hormonal status in severe forms of DM2 without obesity remain poorly characterized. The aim of this work is to study the effect of IT, SG, and GB on insulin, leptin, ghrelin, and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) levels in the blood and on the expression of the genes encoding the main components of the hypothalamic signaling systems in rats with a decompensated form of DM2 induced by a high-fat diet (three months) and a single low dose of streptozotocin (25 mg/kg, two months after the start of the diet). Pronounced hyperglycemia, impaired glucose tolerance, a decrease in the glucose-stimulated GLP-1 level, a slight decrease in the insulin and leptin levels, and a slight increase in the ghrelin level are detected in diabetic rats. Expression of genes encoding the GLP-1 receptor, the orexigenic agouti-related peptide (AgRP), and phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1B and SOCS3, the negative regulators of the leptin and insulin pathways, is increased in the hypothalamus. IT in diabetic rats leads to a reduction of glucose levels 120 min after glucose loading, an increase of basal and glucose-stimulated GLP-1 levels, and normalization of the expression levels of the phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1B, SOCS3, AgRP, and GLP-1 receptor genes, which is indicative of restoration of the hypothalamic signaling responsible for the control of energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Glucose tolerance is improved in the case of SG and GB, and an increase in the basal and glucose-stimulated GLP-1 levels is demonstrated in the case of SG, but no significant effects on the expression of the hypothalamic genes are observed in SG and GB. Thus, IT is the most efficient bariatric surgical intervention among those studied for the treatment of severe DM2 forms without obesity.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):336-342
pages 336-342 views

Medical Rehabilitation System for Senior Patients with Severe Craniocerebral Injury in the Megalopolis

Shcherbuk Y., Zacharov V., Shcherbuk A., Donskov V., Smochilin A., Cherepanova E., Kushnirenko Y.


The capacity of comprehensive standardized stepped medical rehabilitation is assessed in 469 patients who underwent surgical procedures for severe craniocerebral injury in Saint Petersburg hospitals in 2010–2017. As a result of the neurorehabilitation system, the incidence rates of infectious and inflammatory complications associated with physical inactivity significantly declined. The average number of bed days decreased from 34 ± 5 to 23 ± 4 days. At the time of discharge from the neurosurgical hospital, the Barthel index (BI) of activities of daily living (ADL) was 42 ± 8 points. After inpatient rehabilitation, the average BI score improved to 70 ± 6 points. The subsequent course of therapy through the outpatient rehabilitation resulted in the average BI score increase to 78 ± 6 points.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):343-345
pages 343-345 views

Prevalence and Intensity of Smoking in Older Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Living in the Extreme North

Arkhipova N., Popova E., Popov I.


This paper analyzes the prevalence and intensity of smoking and its correlation with other risk factors of coronary artery disease among patients with chronic coronary artery disease aged 60 years and over living in the extreme North on the basis of ethnicity, age, and gender. A dependence of smoking on age is observed in non-indigenous patients. Smoking is less prevalent among women compared to men and among long-livers in comparison with the elderly and senile age. High intensity and long history of smoking are revealed in both ethnic groups of male patients. The average smoking history of smokers at the time of the survey is more than 50 years, and that of former smokers more than 30 years. High smoking index (SI) of more than 25 pack-years is observed in both ethnic groups. SI of more than 25 pack-years is 1.5 times more common in non-indigenous patients compared to the group of Yakuts. The highest SI is observed in the group of patients under 75 years. The higher the smoking index in non-indigenous smoking patients, the lower their HDL cholesterol levels regardless of the place of birth and the length of stay in the extreme North. The analysis reveals the correlation of smoking with other risk factors: blood lipids, arterial pressure (AP), body mass index (BMI), and abdominal obesity (AO), as well as the dependence of myocardial infarction on the smoking history and the smoking index value. Smoking cessation leads to lower blood pressure and BMI and promotes higher HDL cholesterol levels.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):346-351
pages 346-351 views

Analysis of Indicators of Primary and Repeated Disability due to Eye Diseases in People of Retirement Age in the Russian Federation and in Moscow

Nazarian M., Vertash O.


This paper analyzes the dynamics of primary and secondary disability due to eye diseases in people of retirement age in the Russian Federation and Moscow for the period 2007–2016. The main medical and social indicators in disabled people of retirement age are defined. A comparative analysis of primary and repeated disability in the Russian Federation and Moscow is performed.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):352-354
pages 352-354 views

Features of the Formation of Disability due to Coronary Heart Disease in People of Retirement Age in the Russian Federation in the Period 2006–2017

Chandirli S., Puzin S., Bogova O., Potapov V.


The article analyzes the structure and dynamics of disability due to coronary heart disease in the Russian Federation among the retirement-age population in the period 2006–2017. The prevalence of retirees in the disability structure in all years of the study is revealed. Their total number is large, 2.3 million people over 12 years, and is constantly decreasing in dynamics. The level of disability in this age group is high; the average annual level is 61.5 per 10 000 people of the corresponding age; in the first years of the study it is much less than the level of middle-aged disabilities, but in recent years these indicators differ slightly. The structure of disability at retirement age has been formed since 2010 by people repeatedly recognized as disabled.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):355-360
pages 355-360 views

Motivational Inductors of Behavior as Reserves of Successful Aging

Razumnikova O., Asanova N.


Age-related characteristics of motivational inductors of behavior and internal control, which contribute to “successful” aging, are studied. University students and elderly women (20 ± 1.1 and 65.1 ± 5.8 years, respectively) are involved in the study. The dominance of cognitive activity in the profile of motivational inductors regardless of the age and time period of self-appraisal is established. Age differences are found for the “future” situation: increased importance of physical activity for the elderly and significantly greater importance of the “emotional state” components both in the present and in the future for young female students. However, the recognition of the priority of cognitive activity does not correspond to the practical implementation of the cognitive training program, presumably due to the age-related weakening of executive control in initiating new activities.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):361-365
pages 361-365 views

Social Deprivation of Persons Older Than Working Age in Terms of Causes of Death Which Require Forensic Medical Examination

Edeleva A., Edelev N., Sabgaida T., Ryazantsev S.


The article analyzes the structure of forensic medical examinations of persons older than working age and its change during the period of improving social and economic conditions in the country. Persons whose causes of death are determined by forensic medical examination are considered as a deviant group of people who did not adapt to changing socio-cultural conditions and to age changes. This is manifested in the causes and circumstances of death (external causes, death at home without witnesses, death on street or in hospital without examination). The information on 72 324 forensic examinations of elderly residents in the Nizhny Novgorod oblast for 2003–2017 is analyzed. It is done in terms of sex, residency in the oblast center or in rural areas, and age group (advanced age: 60–74 years for men and 55–74 years for women; senile age: 75–84 years; age of longevity: 85 years and older). It is shown that the size of the deviant group of retirees is increasing, and this increase is not a consequence only of the population aging. The contribution of loneliness to the formation of the deviant group exceeds the contribution of socioeconomic disadvantages: no correlation is found between the frequency of forensic examinations and the mortality from causes related to alcohol; from 2003 to 2017, the share of external causes of death and the proportion of corpses taken for examination from the street decreased. The structure of external and somatic causes of death of persons older than working age that are established during forensic medical research is determined by age, place of residence, as well as social and economic situations in the oblast, which changed over the period studied in direction of reducing differences.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):366-372
pages 366-372 views

Family Care as a Tool for Mitigating the Social Risks of the Elderly People in Remote Areas

Golubeva E., Khabarova L.


The objective of the study was to analyze the foster family as a tool of the social security system for elderly persons in remote northern territories. We discuss the significance of pre-existing long-term relationships for the building and microclimate of the foster family, the relationship with the living environment as a socio-psychological support for reducing (eliminating) the risk of loneliness, and social inclusion in society through the foster family. It is noted that legally consolidated efforts of the state and family at the regional level respond more rapidly to changing needs for various types of services, taking into account local socio-economic opportunities and cultural traditions, which helps to diversify the number of forms of services that directly affect risk reduction and meet the needs of elderly persons. It is shown that the uncertainty associated with the provision (accessibility) of care services (palliative care) to chronically sick people in old age and with decent death is a risk in remote northern territories.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(3):373-378
pages 373-378 views

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