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The journal “Ice and Snow” is a professional academic periodical publication in the field of glaciology and cryology of the Earth. It continues the series «Data of Glaciological Studies» that was established in 1961 by the USSR Academy of Sciences. Its themes cover all branches of glaciology including studies of the atmospheric ice, snow cover and avalanches, mountain glaciers and polar ice sheets, sea, river, lake and underground ices, glacial flows (torrents) and icings as well as past glaciations on the Earth and possible cooling in future. Its scope also includes the applied topics: processes of icing, snow storms and drifts, movements of surging glaciers and glacier floods, like the known catastrophe of 2002 on the Caucasus Kolka Glacier.

Founders of the journal are the Institute of Geography of the RAS and the Russian Geographical Society. It is distributed by the Publisher “Nauka”. Its editorial board includes leading glaciologists from Russia and other countries. The journal has a web site and is available in electronic format. The Board currently uses a system of reviewing and interactions with authors via electronic mail. The journal continues the numbering system for volumes and issues previously used for «Data of Glaciological Studies», and it is published four times in a year, i.e. in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Articles are published in the Russian language with summaries and extended abstracts in English (explanations of figures are also given in two languages). Some papers are published in English with extended summaries in Russian. This journal has been registered by the Russian Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communication. It is indexed in the Russian (e-Library) and international (Scopus) bibliographic databases. The journal is included in the special list that the Main Certifying Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approve as a source of publication for dissertations. Each journal issue contains 144 pages in A4 format. Some articles are printed with figures in colour.

Issues are prepared in the Institute of Geography RAS where the Editorial Board has its regular meetings and its editorial staff works. The Journal has its own web site which is also available via the Russian Geographical Society web site.


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卷 63, 编号 4 (2023)



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Glaciers and ice sheets

Causes of Uncertainties in Paleoclimatic Reconstructions Based on the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Glacier Ice on Elbrus (Western Plateau)
Chizhova J., Mikhalenko V., Kutuzov S., Lavrentiev I., Lipenkov V., Kozachek A.

Received July 28, 2023; revised September 2, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

A study of the isotope signature of glacial ice in the Western Elbrus Plateau (the Caucasus) was made on the basis of five ice cores obtained in different years with high resolution. It was shown that the isotopic characteristics of ice are associated with the processes of accumulation and wind scouring of snow. Three ice cores were obtained in 2013 (C–1, C–2 and C–3), one in 2017 (C–4) and one more in 2018 (C–5). Core sampling was performed with a resolution of 5 cm. Isotopic analysis was done at the CERL laboratory (AARI) using a Picarro L2130-i isotope analyzer, the accuracy was 0.06‰ for δ18О and 0.30‰ for δ2Н. The values of δ18О and δ2Н of the ice of the Western Plateau generally vary from –5 to –30‰ and from –18.7 to –225.8‰, respectively, with well-defined seasonality. Comparison of the isotope record for all cores showed that the differences in accumulation for individual seasons reach 0.3 m w. eq., differences in accumulation for individual seasons averaged over 5 years is approximately 0.2 m w.eq. The absolute differences in the average seasonal values of δ18O associated with wind scouring and spatial redistribution of snow (deposition noise), averaged over 5 years, reached 1.38‰. The irregularity of precipitation amount within the season and errors in core dating are an additional contribution to non-climate variance (noise of definition). The absolute difference in the average seasonal values of δ18О associated with this type of noise averaged over 5 years is 1.7‰. Thus, the total uncertainty for two different types of noise can be estimated at 2.2‰, which is about 20% of the annual seasonal amplitude of δ18O values of the glacier ice in the Western Plateau (the average difference between the δ18O values of warm and cold seasons is ~10–11‰). One of the problems of linking the isotope record to the annual temperature record at the weather station was solved by using ammonium concentrations for dating the C-1 ice core and calculating the “ideal” annual variation of δ18O values by a cosine function of the annual amplitude. Using ammonium ion (\({\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + }\)) concentration each annual layer in C-1 ice core was divided into two parts associated to snow deposition in winter and in summer. It also showed δ18O values associated to change of seasons. The calculation of the cosine function showed the simplified δ18O values for each month of a particular year, due to which the δ18O values of the season boundaries in the ice core were linked to calendar months. This assimilation allowed us to compare the obtained average seasonal values of δ18О from the core with instrumental observations at the Klukhorskiy Pass meteorological station. The δ18O values of winter seasons have a weak relationship with surface temperatures, not only due to wind erosion, but also due to the high interannual variability of snow accumulation. At the same time, the average δ18O values of the warm seasons are significantly positive correlated with surface temperature (r = 0.7, p = 0.1), so ice core δ18O records can be used as a temperature proxy of the warm period.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):473-488
pages 473-488 views
Thickness and Volume of Glaciers of the Mongun-taiga Massif, Altai, in 2021 Based on Ground Penetrating Radar Data and Modeling
Griga S., Ganyushkin D., Bantsev D., Nikolaev M., Kashkevich M., Ibraev K.

Received April 26, 2023; revised August 18, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

This article presents the results of estimating the scale of the present-day glaciation of the Mongun-Taiga Mountain range (Eastern Altai) based on the decoding multi-time satellite images, GPR data and modelling using GlabTop2 and the Volume-Area Scaling (VAS) method. By 2021, 38 glaciers have been identified according to the hydrological principle and 36 ones – by the morphological principle. The total area is estimated as 17.18 ± 1.13 km2. Since 2010, area of the glaciers has decreased by 15%. The thickness of the glacial complex on the main peak of the Mongun-Taiga Mountain range was measured in the ablation season of 2021. More than 6 km of profiles were obtained by the GPR survey with accuracy of about 1%. Based on these data, the GlabTop2 model was calibrated. Then the spatial distribution of the ice thickness was obtained over the entire massif. The total volume of ice in the flat-summit glacier № 17 is estimated at 0.202 ± 0.008 km3 of ice. According to the GlabTop2 model with the morphological approach the ice volume of the whole massif was estimated at 0.733 ± 0.052 km3, and with the hydrological approach: 0.888 ± 0.061 km3. Determination of the boundaries of glaciers by the VAS method gave larger values: 0.690 ± 0.038 km3 with a morphological approach and 0.757 ± 0.036 km3 with a hydrological method. Consequently, with the same area of glaciers, volume determined by two different approaches can be rather different. This has a decisive influence on the morphological structure of ice reserves: the role of large forms of glaciation sharply prevails with the morphological approach. Most of the ice is contained in glaciers of the flat summit (27–40%). With the hydrological approach, which is used most often, the role of small forms of glaciation is overestimated. At the same time, the contribution of flat-summit glaciers is estimated at only 2%.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):489-512
pages 489-512 views
The Use of Isotope Indicators in Hydrological Studies in the Taldura River Basin, Central Altai
Bantcev D., Ovsepyan A., Rasputina V., Kozachek A., Tchikhatchev K., Ganyushkin D.

Received June 29, 2023; revised August 28, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

Stable isotopes investigation was carried out in the territory of the Yuzhno-Chuya Ridge (Central Altai) during the ablation season of 2022. Samples were taken to determine the contribution of meltwater and precipitation to feeding of water bodies. The main research objects are Nekrasov glacier – Tamozennoye Lake system and Taldura River. In the basin of Lake Tamozennoye, the average ice δ18O of the Nekrasov glacier (‒17.3%) was obtained. Based on the isotopic composition of ice and precipitation, it was estimated that in the stream flowing into Lake Customs, the contribution of glacier meltwater varies from 28 to 67%, on average 54%. For a stream flowing out of a lake, the proportion of meltwater is higher: 48–72, 61% on average. First of all, meltwater enters the lake by filtration through the moraine, and not by surface runoff. Along the Taldura River, δ18O does not change significantly (δ18O –16.58 … –16.84%) for 38 km before the Taldura River confluence into the Chagan River. This indicates the complete predominance of glacier meltwater in the river feeding in the middle of the ablation season. Repeated sampling of water from the Taldura River 5 km from the edge of the glacier showed, that the effect of precipitation can be traced in the isotopic composition of river water, but it does not exceed 20%.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):513-524
pages 513-524 views
Large Periglacial Lakes on the Spitsbergen (Svalbard): State in 2008–2012 and Dynamics in 1991–2022
Chernov R., Romashova K.

Received June 1, 2023; revised July 23, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

Approximately 3,790 lakes of various genesis existed in the Svalbard archipelago in 2008–2012, the total area of which reached 395 km2. Among them, periglacial lakes were new objects which had been formed since the beginning of the 20th century due to the deglaciation of the archipelago. We found 554 glacial lakes which areas exceeded 0.01 km2. The total area of these lakes amounted to about a half of the area of all the lakes in the archipelago – 185 km2, and two thirds of this value were large glacial lakes. The paper presents the spatial distribution of large periglacial lakes and variability of them caused by the climate warming in the archipelago. At present, there are 35 periglacial lakes (over 1 km2 in size); all of them are in contact with glaciers and the greater part of them are dammed by the terminal moraines or by a glacier itself. According to the cartographic data of the Norwegian Polar Institute and satellite images, the areas of large lakes were determined successively in 1991, 2002, 2012, and 2022. For the period from 1991 to 2012, there was a twofold increase in their area from 24.4 to 53.7 km2, but in 2012–2022 this process slowed down. On the east of the archipelago, where the inland ice is widespread, the process of the lake formation is much slower. It had been noted that on the west all large glacial lakes were formed after 1936 due to active retreat of the glaciers. At the same time, both on the north and east, most of the large glacial lakes existed prior to 1936. During the periods under consideration, changes in the areas of individual objects reached multiple values. The most large-scale changes in the lake areas were associated with the ablation of glacial fronts in contact with the lake, a glacier surge, and outbursts of a few dammed lakes. Six lakes were identified, where the water level drop reached tens of meters. Despite the slowdown in the formation of lakes in the last decade, the enlargement of lakes continues. Relative increase in the total area of the large periglacial lakes over the past 30 years on the west and east of the archipelago is in direct proportion to decreasing in glaciation of these regions. Thus, the process of formation of large periglacial lakes may be used as an indicator of climate change in the archipelago.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):525-539
pages 525-539 views
Equilibrium Line Altitude on Bellingshausen Ice Dome, Antarctic
Mavlyudov B.

Received June 9, 2023; revised September15, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

We present an analysis of the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) on the Bellingshausen Ice Dome on King George Island (Waterloo), Antarctica, derived only from ground-based glaciological surveys for the period 2007–2012 and 2014–2023. A good relationship was found between ELA and mean summer air temperature (XII-II months) with a coefficient of determination of about 0.8. Assuming the stability of this relation in the past, the changes in the ELA during the entire period of observations at Bellingshausen weather station (from 1968) were reconstructed. Since negative ELA values were obtained for some years, which is physically impossible, they were artificially adjusted to sea level. A good correlation of air temperature between the Bellingshausen and Deception Island weather stations allowed extending the reconstruction of ELA for a longer period (from 1947).

By cleaning up the strong interannual fluctuations in ELA using five-year moving averages, two complete periods of ELA change (from minimum to minimum) were identified for approximately 20 years (1947–1968) and 45 years (1968–2013). From 2014 to present time, the third period has been continuing. At the apogee of each period, the ELA was higher than the Bellingshausen Ice Dome height, which indicates that in these years the ice dome completely lost accumulation area. For the Bellingshausen and Warsaw ice domes, a pattern of higher ELA position on the western and southern slopes compared to the eastern slopes was revealed, which is probably applicable to the entire King George Island.

Since the ELA variations on King George Island are generally synchronous with its variations on Livingston Island, the reconstructed ELA on the Bellingshausen Ice Dome can probably be useful for reconstructing the glaciation history of the South Shetland Islands.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):540-552
pages 540-552 views
Glaciological Studies of the Institute of Geography, RAS, on the Elbrus Mount in 2023
Lavrentiev I., Smirnov A., Toropov P., Elagina N., Kiseleva T., Drozdov E., Degtyarev A.

Received August 29, 2023; revised 4, September 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

In June 2023, mass-balance and meteorological observations on Elbrus were expanded: monitoring of the Mikelchiran glacier on the northern slope of the volcano was added to the permanent observations on the southern slope (Garabashi glacier). Such synchronized observations on the opposite macro-slopes of Elbrus have not been carried out before.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):553-557
pages 553-557 views

Snow cover and avalanches

The Snow Depth in Forests and Fields on Lowlands of Russia under the Current Climate Conditions
Sosnovsky A., Osokin N.

Received August 11, 2023; revised August 27, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

Average values of maximum snow depths (MaxSD) estimated separately under conditions of  forests and fields on lowlands of Russia were compared during the past 29 years. It was found that MaxSD in the fields for the current climatic period 1991–2020 increased by 5% compared to the period 1966–1990 and decreased by 8% in the forests. For the periods 1966–1990, 1981–2010, and 1991–2020, the ratio of MaxSD in a forest to similar one in a field (which we refer to as the snow survey coefficient) has been constantly decreasing. The snow survey coefficients for these periods were equal to 1.24; 1.12 and 1.08, respectively. In 1991–2020, the greatest values of this ratio were obtained in the northeast of the European part of the territory of Russia (ETR) and in the south of Western Siberia, where the maximum thickness of snow cover in the forest was found to be significantly higher than in the field. The lowest values were observed in some areas of the ETR center as well as in south-east and south-west, and in the south of Eastern Siberia. Here, for the periods 2001–2010 and 2011–2020, the values of the snow survey coefficients were estimated as 1.07 and 1.03 respectively. The coefficient for 1991–2020 decreased, on average, by 12% compared to 1966–1990. The maximum decrease in this ratio – by 15–25% – occurred in the south-west of Eastern Siberia and in a larger part of the ETR in the south. In 2011–2020, the MaxSD values increased in forests in the south-east of the ETR by 5–15%, and decreased in the south-west and the west of the ETR by 15–25% compared to 1966–1990. At the same time in fields, the MaxSD increased by 15–30% in the east of the ETR and the south of Siberia and decreased in the center and south-west of the ETR by 10–15%. The average value of the MaxSD in the field for the period 2011–2020 increased by 6% compared to 1966–1990 and decreased in the forest by 10%. Relative to other periods, the greatest increase in MaxSD was observed in 2001–2010. In the period 2011–2020, the MaxSD both in the forest and in the field mainly decreased relative to the period 2001–2010. In the current climatic period (1991–2020), the tendency for equalization of the MaxSD in forests and fields has been confirmed.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):558-568
pages 558-568 views
Spatial-Temporal Variability of the δ18O Values and the Snow Cover Structure on the Territory of the Meteorological Observatory of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Sokratov S., Komarov A., Vasil’chuk Y., Budantseva N., Vasil’chuk J., Seliverstov Y., Grebennikov P., Frolov D.

Received July 3, 2023; revised September 4, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

The isotopic composition (δ18O values) of snow layers, constructing snow cover to the time of reaching maximum snow water equivalent (SWE), was compared with the isotopic content of snow precipitated over the whole the winter season 2018/19 on the territory of the Meteorological Observatory of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia). Snow-sampling was carried out in a trench 20 m long simultaneously with detailed measurements of spatial variability of the structural characteristics of snow depth. Sampling was conducted for each precipitation event over the winter season, with the amount of precipitation also documented. It was found that the spatially-distributed enrichment with heavy oxygen isotopes along the trench fell within the range of 0–3.5‰, with average values for the four main formed snow layers changing from 1.3 to 2.5‰. The enrichment was not much dependent on the age of snow layer in the snowpack, and it was even more pronounced in the upper layers. This suggests that the post-precipitated change in the isotopic composition of snow cover for the conditions of the investigated site mainly took place when the snow was exposed to the atmosphere (due to sublimation and evaporation), while the processes of dry and wet metamorphism were either less important or even led to leveling the effects of isotopic fractionation. A positive correlation was found between the isotope composition of snow and the spatially varying snow density in each layer. This is most probably related to involvement of wind influence into the snow accumulation resulting in more dense snow. The spatial variability of the isotope composition of snow in each layer was smaller than changes in snow density and snow water equivalent.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):569-582
pages 569-582 views

Ground ices and icings

Geoelectrical Models of Glacial-Permafrost Rock Formations of the Central Altai
Dyakova G., Goreyavcheva A., Shein A., Potapov V., Burym R., Ostanin O., Olenchenko V.

Received December 27,, 2022; revised August 10, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

Geophysical observations of the structure of glacial-permafrost rock formations (hereinafter referred to as GPRF), common in the Central Altai in the valleys of the Chuya, Dzhelo, Elangash and Akkol rivers, were carried out by way of electrical resistivity tomography using the multi-electrode electro-prospecting station “Skala-48”. The main objective of the research was to identify the features of the internal structure of GPRF basing on the data of electrical sounding and aerial photography. The application of the geophysical method made it possible to localize rock-ice cores within the GPRF. Analysis of the geoelectrical cross-sections allowed finding that the rock-ice cores were characterized by high values of specific electrical resistance (SER) – from 10 to 100 kOhm ⋅ m and more. The depths of occurrence of rock-ice material on the geoelectrical sections varied from 2 to 10 m, on the average. Using the data of the aerial photography carried out above the studied areas, three-dimensional geoelectric models and maps of the distribution of SER were built for different depths. When analyzing the three-dimensional model of the GPRF, it is clearly noticeable that the features of the nature of the SER distribution reflects the inhomogeneous distribution of ice within the rock-ice core of the GPRF. As a result of our studies performed by the method of electrical tomography and interpretation of a three-dimensional geoelectric model, it was estimated that thicknesses of the rock-ice material varied from 7 to 32 m, thawing niches were revealed and localized, and the potential volume of the rock-ice core was determined. Thus, the above mentioned geophysical and geomorphological studies in that the features of the internal structure of GPRF in key areas have been established. For each GPRF, the thicknesses, resistivity, and depth of occurrence of rock-ice cores were determined, and the dependence of the morphological structure of the GPRF surface on internal structure of them was analyzed. A preliminary assessment of water reserves in individual GPRF had also been made.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):583-596
pages 583-596 views
Analysis of the Main Factors Controlling the Formation of Subaerial Taliks, Using a One-Dimensional Mathematical Model. A Case Study for the Shestakovka River Basin (Central Yakutia)
Popov S., Boronina A., Lebedeva L.

Received March 9, 2023; revised September 7, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

This study presents a mathematical model of heat transfer in a subaerial talik. The model is based on the concepts presented in classical works on permafrost, as well as on the results of geological and geophysical research carried out in the Shestakovka River basin (Central Yakutia). This model is based on the solution of the classical Stefan problem on the moving of the phase transition boundaries for a multilayer and multiphase medium. The solution was calculated on a unstructured mesh. When the phase boundaries move, thawed or frozen layers of soil are formed or wedged out. The layers include: snow cover, seasonally thawed soil, seasonally frozen and frozen sand deposits, as well as soil-vegetative layer. Published empirical relationships were used to calculate thermophysical coefficients, which are presented in this article. Simple variants of the model were considered to clarify the contribution of various factors to the process of formation and evolution of taliks. It has been established that the presence of snow cover and soil-vegetative layer have the most significant effect on the formation of taliks. Calculations show that taliks are formed in the first years of the modeled period, in the presence of snow and the absence of soil-vegetative layer. The soil-vegetative layer, depending on its composition and moisture content (ice content), can prevent the formation and development of taliks. The authors do not consider cases where shrubs contribute to snow accumulation. The humidity and iciness of the layer of sand sediments located in Central Yakutia have practically no effect on this process.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):597-611
pages 597-611 views
Anthropogenic Influence on the Microclimate and Glaciation of the Kungur Ice Cave during the Period of Maximum Tourist Load
Kazantseva A., Krasikov A.

Received January 25, 2023; revised July 6, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

The Kungur Ice Cave is visited by thousands of tourists every year, so the question of anthropogenic influence on changing its state is acute. Snow and ice formations are the main attraction of the cave. From the moment of discovery and improvement of the cave, the thickness of glaciation began to depend not only on natural, but also on technical and anthropogenic conditions. First, this is a change in the temperature of the outside air, the annual rise of underground and surface waters (the Sylva River), the construction of inlet and outlet tunnels, artificial ventilation, and the number of tourists. To assess the impact of the flow of tourists on the microclimatic characteristics of the Cave, the staff of the Kungur Stationary Laboratory conducted research during the period of maximum anthropogenic load in the summer of 2022. The data analyzed in this article made it possible to clarify that the existing tourist load has an insignificant impact on the microclimate of the Cave. After the passage of each group of tourists, the air temperature in the grottoes slightly increases (by a maximum of 0.1–0.2°C) but is restored during the daytime within 4–12 minutes, and at night the temperature regime is completely restored. The maximum tourist load per day is 825–925 people or more, depending on the operating mode of the Cave. Thus, the visiting regulations and the allowed throughput of the cave are currently chosen correctly. The number of tourists is not so large as to limit the visit to the Cave to protect the ice formations, especially since the first-year ice is renewed every winter.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):612-624
pages 612-624 views

Sea, river and lake ices

Variability of the Pechora Sea Ice Area and Its Correlation With the Barents Sea Surface Temperature According to Satellite Observations and Reanalysis
Lvova E., Zabolotskikh E.

Received June 28, 2023; revised September 6, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

Variability of the Pechora Sea ice cover and the Barents Sea surface temperature during the season from October to June in 2002–2022 (except the season of 2011/2012) was studied on the basis of satellite observations and reanalysis ERA5. Influence of the sea surface temperature on the ice cover was also analyzed but without considering the other hydrometeorological parameters. Areas of the sea ice cover characteristics were calculated using data on the sea ice closeness obtained from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 measurements. To analyze the variability of sea surface temperature, we used the average daily data of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ERA5 reanalysis obtained by averaging hourly data. To study the spatial and temporal variability of sea ice cover and sea surface temperature, fields of daily averaged parameters were mapped. These maps and values of areas of the sea ice cover were analyzed. This made possible to reveal regularities of development of the sea ice processes in the Pechora Sea, to calculate the general trend of the sea ice area change over the considered period of time, and to divide the Barents Sea into four sectors with significantly different average values of the sea surface temperature: southwestern, northwestern, southeastern, northeastern ones. The seasonal and interannual variabilities of the Pechora Sea ice cover and the Barents Sea surface temperature were analyzed. To study the effect of sea surface temperature in different sectors of the Barents Sea on the sea ice area, the method of statistical analysis (Pearson’s linear correlation) was used for the monthly average data and the data, averaged over the sea ice season (from October to June) with different time lags. Significant correlation coefficients were obtained only for a two-month lag. With such a lag, high values of the inverse correlation coefficients were revealed between the sea surface temperature in the southwestern (up to –0.8) and northwestern (up to –0.6) sectors of the Barents Sea and sea ice area of the Pechora Sea, while in other sectors the correlation was significantly smaller or even below the significance level.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):625-638
pages 625-638 views


The Last Glaciation and Ice-Dammed Lakes in the South-East Altai
Zolnikov I., Novikov I., Deev E., Panin A., Kurbanov R.

Received June 8, 2023; revised September 4, 2023; accepted October 2, 2023

The palaeogeographic scheme of the distribution of glaciers and ice-dammed lakes in the Altai during the last global glaciation (MIS-2) was compiled based on a detailed large-scale geomorphological survey. Analysis of geomorphological traces of glaciers of this time indicates that they occupied smaller areas than those of the first Late Pleistocene glaciation. By this means, the ice dams created by them were smaller that resulted in small sizes of ice-dammed lakes. The preserved levels of terraces indicate that during the first Late Pleistocene glaciation in the Kurai-Chuya depression system the ancient lake was the only one with a level of 2250 m and a total volume of 1.70 km3. During the second Late Pleistocene glaciation in the south-east Gorny Altai, another separate lake existed which was the Bartal-Kurai Lake with a level of 1700 m and a volume of 45 km3. This lake was dammed by the Mashey Glacier, which descended from the northern slopes of the North Chuaya Range. In the Chuya Depression, the existence of a landslide-dammed lake with a volume of 0.7 km3 and a level 1.750 m has been found. Its formation was not associated with glaciers of the MIS-2 stage. Direct dating of the last ice-dammed lake in the Chuya Depression with a level of 1950 m and a volume of 140 km3 has not yet been determined. This lake was dammed by the Kuehtanar Glacier, which descended from the southern slope of the Kurai ridge. The volume of ice-dammed waters of the MIS-2 time was an order of magnitude smaller than it was in the first Late Quaternary glaciation. This explains the much lower intensity of erosive and accumulative processes associated with the mega-flood occurred due to the breakthrough of the lakes during MIS-2.

Lëd i sneg. 2023;63(4):639-651
pages 639-651 views


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