Neuropsychological abnormalities in early-stage Parkinson’s disease




Comparative assessment of affective and cognitive abnormalities in different clinical forms of early-stage Parkinson’s disease (PD) was performed. In the majority of patients, cognitive decline of predominantly executive and neurodynamic type not reaching the dementia level was registered. The revealed cognitive disturbances prevailed in patients with an akinetic-rigid form of PD, while a trembling form turned out more benign from the viewpoint of its influence on the intellectual sphere. High prevalence of depression on early-stage PD was shown: depressive symptoms of various severities were observed in 84% examined patients. By analogy with cognitive decline, depression and anxiety at the debut of PD were significantly more frequent in patients with an akinetic-rigid form compared to a trembling phenotype. These data confirm that affective disturbances are very characteristic early (including premotor) manifestations of PD.



I. Vereyutina

Neurological Department of Municipal Outpatients’ Clinic № 26, South Administrative District

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Sergey Illarioshkin

Research Center of Neurology

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2704-6282

D. Sci. (Med.), Prof., Corr. Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director, Head, Department for brain research

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

E. Zhuravleva

Medical Department, Administration of President of the Russian Federation

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

R. Shikhkerimov

Neurological Department of Municipal Outpatients’ Clinic № 26, South Administrative District

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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版权所有 © Vereyutina I.A., Illarioshkin S.N., Zhuravleva E.Y., Shikhkerimov R.K., 2012

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