Application efficiency and effectiveness of Botulinum neurotoxin type A in complex treatment of patients with post – stroke spasticity in arm




Studying of efficiency of application botulinum neurotoxin type A in complex treatment 51 patients with poststroke spastic hemiparesis with mean time from stroke onset 33.8 months. It was observed severe spastisity (mean of scale of Ashworth – 3.3+1.0) at all patients in the neurologic status. Patients were divided in three groups. The first group (n = 14) received botulinum neurotoxin type A in a complex with standard restoring therapy (BtxA+SRT). In the second group (n = 18) the patients received BtxA+SRT in a complex with specialized functional training using device «ARMEO». The third group (n = 19) received only BtxA. Comparisons of scores on the MAS, AS, FIM and goniometry at baseline, week 5 and the 8-month follow-up are reviled the most considerable improvement of hand function in second group which received BtxA+SRT in a complex with specialized functional training using device «ARMEO». We believe that BtxA must use with complex therapy including the functional training of hand with device «ARMEO».



E. Koneva

Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center”, Moscow


E. Khatkova

Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center”, Moscow


A. Albegova

Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center”, Moscow


I. Sidyakina

Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center”, Moscow


M. Makarova

Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center”, Moscow


T. Shapovalenko

Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center”, Moscow


K. Lyadov

Federal State Institution “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center”, Moscow



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版权所有 © Koneva E.S., Khatkova E.S., Albegova A.V., Sidyakina I.V., Makarova M.R., Shapovalenko T.V., Lyadov K.V., 2010

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