Carotid artery stenosis: prospective comparison of CT, three-dimensional non-enhanced MR and digital subtraction angiography




The aim of this study was a comparison of diagnostic efficacy of non contrast enhanced MR-angiography (MRA) and CT-angiography (CTA) with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in patients with atherosclerotic lesions of internal carotid arteries. We examined 70 patients with stenosis of carotid arteries. A stenosis degree of more than 50% (assessed by DSA) was considered as hemodynamically significant. Besides neurological survey the examination of extracranial arteries was performed, which included MRA, CTA and DSA. In each case we analysed a plane on which a degree of a stenosis was assessed as maximum. To characterize each modality we evaluated sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value. A coincidence rate for CTA and DSA was 95%, for MRA and DSA – 89%. We can conclude that CTA and MRA can be use for an appropriate evaluation of stenosis of interna carotid arteries.



I. Davydenko

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow


M. Krotenkova

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow


R. Konovalov

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow


M. Piradov

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow



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版权所有 © Davydenko I.S., Krotenkova M.V., Konovalov R.N., Piradov M.A., 2008

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