Legal Aspects of Medical Care in Hospital-acquired Ischaemic Stroke




Generally, the main pathogenetic mechanisms of hospital-acquired ischaemic stroke (HAIS) do not differ from classical ones, except in cases of iatrogenic origin. In certain cases, HAIS may be caused by insufficient vascular risk prevention or develop as a complication of medical intervention. At the current stage of the healthcare development, there is an increased legal responsibility of doctors, associated with the broad legal capabilities of a patient to protect their rights and legitimate interests when obtaining medical care. The very fact of a stroke — a disease with a high rate of adverse outcomes — contradicts the prevailing opinion in the society that a patient in a hospital is guaranteed ‘protection’ from the possibility of developing another, especially a more serious illness, and this may give rise to judicial proceedings. Currently, many difficulties arise in the treatment of patients with HAIS, based on the lack of a unified approach to providing medical care for this pathology, including at the legislative level. Data from the world literature and our own studies demonstrate delays in performing diagnostic measures in cases of inpatient stroke and lower indicators of the quality of medical care. At the same time, the human factor is critical and affects the promptness of HAIS diagnosis and treatment. Proper organization of medical care for HAIS is a prerequisite for ensuring that patients receive timely care in accordance with the standards of treatment, and that medical employees of all levels receive legal protection.


Igor Voznyuk

St. Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Care; S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy Ministry

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg

Sergey Kolomentsev

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy Ministry

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg

Yevgeny Nikitin

S.S. Mnukhin Children's Psychiatry Center for Rehabilitation Treatment

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg


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