Prevalence of the risk factors of cerebrovascular disorders in the capital city residents aged 40–59: a clinical and epidemiological study

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Introduction. Circulatory system diseases and cerebrovascular disorders are among the principal causes of morbidity and mortality in the Russian Federation. Updated information on prevalence and structure of the risk factors is needed to elaborate populationwide prevention measures.
The aim is to assess the prevalence of the risk factors for cerebrovascular disorders in the working-age population of capital city residents and stratification of subjects into the risk groups using clinical scales for comprehensive evaluation.
Materials and methods. Thorough screening of the open population aged 40–59 was carried out at one outpatient medical service facility in Moscow in 2011–2012: 376 subjects (156 men, 220 women). The analysis took into account gender and agerelated differences (in the age groups of 49–49 and 50–59-yearold adults).
Results. We obtained the data on prevalence of the major risk factors of cerebrovascular disorders, men/women (%): family history – 38.5/55.9, smoking 40.4/25.9, low physical activity – 48.4/49.5, class 1 obesity – 21.8/21.4, class 2 and 3 obesity – 6.4/12.7, elevated serum cholesterol levels – 32.7/43.2, elevated serum triglyceride levels – 23.1/15.0, hypertension – 48.1/45.0, type 2 diabetes – 3.8/2.7, increased intima-media thickness in the carotid and femoral arteries – 44.9/65.9, atherosclerotic plaques of any localization (carotid and/or femoral arteries) 62.8/40.5, and >30% atherosclerotic stenosis of any localization – 12.2/7.7. Prevalence of the risk factors in the population and, in some cases, their severity increased with age (before and after age 50) up to 1.5–2 fold. When using SCORE and Stroke Riskometer ™ tools for stratification, 8.6% and 39.3% subjects fell into the high-risk groups, respectively.
Conclusion. Working-age capital city residents in the 40–59 years cohort show high prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders with the first significant rise of prevalence after reaching a 50-year age border; hypertension, low physical activity and increased intima-media thickness hold leading positions. The newest Stroke Riskometer™ appears to be the most relevant tool for the risk assessing as it has a variety of undoubted advantages compared to other clinical instruments.

About the authors

Elena V. Gnedovskaya

Research Center of Neurology

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

Mikhail A. Kravchenko

Research Center of Neurology

Russian Federation, Moscow

М. E. Prokopovich

Research Center of Neurology

Russian Federation, Moscow

O. S. Andreeva

Russian Cardiology Research Complex

Russian Federation, Moscow

Dmitriy V. Sergeev

Research Center of Neurology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Elena V. Oshchepkova

Research Center of Neurology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Yu. Ya. Varakin

Research Center of Neurology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Mikhail A. Piradov

Research Center of Neurology

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6338-0392

D. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2016 Gnedovskaya E.V., Kravchenko M.A., Prokopovich M.E., Andreeva O.S., Sergeev D.V., Oshchepkova E.V., Varakin Y.Y., Piradov M.A.

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