Microelectrode recording of neuronal activity in the surgery for Parkinson’s disease

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Microelectrode recording of neuronal activity is a modern and safe tool for neurophysiological mapping of subcortical brain structures that serve as targets for stereotactic functional neurosurgery. The article discusses the main technical and clinical aspects of this method and focuses on Parkinson’s disease, a classical object of functional neurosurgery. Microelectrode analysis improves the accuracy of electrode positioning and the effectiveness of surgical neuromodulation in Parkinson’s disease, enables investigation of the pathophysiological features of extrapyramidal disorders, mechanisms of action of drugs and various functional neurosurgery techniques, and also facilitates the search for new potential targets for deep brain stimulation.

About the authors

D. M. Nizametdinova

Research Center of Neurology

Author for correspondence.
Email: dinara.dinara@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

Vladimir M. Tyurnikov

Research Center of Neurology

Email: dinara.dinara@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

I. I. Fedorenko

Research Center of Neurology

Email: dinara.dinara@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

Artem O. Gushcha

Research Center of Neurology

Email: dinara.dinara@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergey N. Illarioshkin

Research Center of Neurology

Email: dinara.dinara@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2704-6282

D. Sci. (Med.), Prof., Corr. Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director, Head, Department for brain research

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2016 Nizametdinova D.M., Tyurnikov V.M., Fedorenko I.I., Gushcha A.O., Illarioshkin S.N.

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