A complex of rehabitation in writer’s cramp

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Writer’s cramp (WC) is one of the forms of focal dystonia involving the hand muscles and characterized by sevective motor defect leading to problems with writing. Therapy of WC represents serious difficulties and remains to be an unresolved problem of clinical neurology. In this paper we present our experience of using a complex of rehabilitation directed at sensory-motor reprogramming and correction of predisposing physical factors in 86 patients with idiopathic WC (26 men and 60 women with mean age of 39.6±12.5 years). This complex was shown to lead to good or satisfactory results in 79.3% of patients, and the obtained effect lasted for a period of up to 10 years.

About the authors

O. A. Shavlovskaya

1st Moscow Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

Author for correspondence.
Email: shavlovskaya@mma.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow


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