Reproductive health of women with multiple sclerosis

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Organic diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) are of utmost importance in the formation of gynecological pathology. Multiple sclerosis (MS) and mmunomodifying therapy which is in use in patients with this disease have a significant effect on menstrual and reproductive functions, pregnancy and delivery in women with MS. Infertility in patients with MS is due, on the one hand, to psychological and sexual problems and, on the other hand, to the secondary gonadal failure. Obstetric outcomes in women with MS do not differ significantly from those in the general population, but some specific characteristics of the course of  pregnancy and delivery need attention and multidisciplinary approach.

About the authors

O. A. Tikhonovskaya

Siberian State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Tomsk

A. Y. Pinchuk

Siberian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Tomsk

V. M. Alifirova

Siberian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Tomsk

N. F. Musina

Siberian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Tomsk


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Copyright (c) 2014 Tikhonovskaya O.A., Pinchuk A.Y., Alifirova V.M., Musina N.F.

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