Capabilities of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in angioneurology

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Contrast-enhanced ultrasound is a new promising direction in angio imaging, which has been increasingly used in clinical practice in recent years. We describe the history of the development of this method and consider in detail the basic physical and technical principles of contrast-enhanced ultrasound as well as modern capabilities of its use in diagnosis of various vascular diseases of the brain.

About the authors

Andrey O. Chechetkin

Research Center of Neurology

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8726-8928

D. Sci. (Med.), Head, Ultrasound diagnostic laboratory

Russian Federation, Moscow

L. D. Druina

Research Center of Neurology

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2015 Chechetkin A.O., Druina L.D.

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