Endoscopic removal of intracranial hemorrhage and fenestration of symptomatic arachnoid cysts in the brain

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This article describes endoscopy as a main surgical approach in the treatment of intracranial hemorrhages and symptomatic cysts of different anatomical locations. In our paper we demonstrate that endoscopy may be used not only with video assistance but as independent surgical method. We discuss indications and contraindications of this method, technical support and surgical technique, and include clinical cases. Our neurosurgical team was the first in Russia that used method of flexible endoscopy in different ways. In our opinion, flexible intracranial endoscopy is the most effective and minimally invasive method, which should be more widely implemented in neurosurgery practice.


About the authors

Artyom O. Gushcha

Research Center of Neurology

Author for correspondence.
Email: agou@endospine.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

M. S. Semenov

Research Сenter of Neurology

Email: agou@endospine.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

L. T. Lepsveridze

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Email: agou@endospine.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergey O. Arestov

Research Center of Neurology

Email: agou@endospine.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2015 Gushcha A.O., Semenov M.S., Lepsveridze L.T., Arestov S.O.

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