Autoregulation of cerebral circulation in progressive heart failure and its relationship to seizure readiness

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In the early stage of cardiac decompensation does not change the blood flow in the carotid and basilar arteries, but seizure readiness (SR) of the animals increased. Preservation of reactivity to hypercapnic and compression tests, suggests that the increase in SR is not associated with circulatory disorders in the brain. Exacerbation of heart failure (HF) leads to severe decompensation, including a decrease in blood flow in the carotid and basilar arteries. Metabolic cascade of autoregulation in these animals areaktiven and myogenic greatly reduced. In this case revealed a progressive increase in the SR. Inefficiency of the heart at different stages of HF is not the same effect on the reserves of the autoregulation of cerebral hemodynamics, which affects the formation and aggravation of SR. Moreover, its rise in various stages of decompensation is not always caused by cerebral ischemia.


About the authors

M. L. Mamalyga

Moscow State Pedagogical University, chair of anatomy and physiology of human and animals

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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