Glutamate excitotoxicity in multiple sclerosis

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A comparative analysis of the level of neuroactive amino acid glutamate in the blood serum of 17 healthy individuals and 63 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), according to the course, stage and duration of the disease and disability, was performed. The level of glutamate was significantly higher in MS patients (16.47±4.37 nmol/μl) compared to healthy individuals (11.31±3.08 nmol/μl). It was increased by 43.4% in relapsing-remitting type of MS, by 45.3% in secondary progressive MS, and by 66.3% in primary progressive MS. In exacerbation of the disease, glutamate concentration reached maximum values (18.44±3.44 nmol/μl) compared to remission (15.12±3.97 nmol/μl). No significant changes in the levels of glutamate depending on the duration of illness and severity of disability were found. The obtained results can be used as one of additional diagnostic criteria for determining the disease stage, and control over the level of glutamate may become a new therapeutic target in MS.


About the authors

A. A. Ryazantseva

Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Tomsk

V. M. Alifirova

Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health

Russian Federation, Tomsk

S. A. Ivanova

Research Institute for Mental Health, Siberian Brunch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation, Tomsk

A. S. Boyko

Research Institute for Mental Health, Siberian Brunch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation, Tomsk

N. M. Krotenko

Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health

Russian Federation, Tomsk


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Copyright (c) 2013 Ryazantseva A.A., Alifirova V.M., Ivanova S.A., Boyko A.S., Krotenko N.M.

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