Parkinsonism in in the Yaroslavl region: clinico-epidemiological aspects and a working experience of a specialized center

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The objective: to explore clinico-epidemiological aspects of parkinsonism in the Yaroslavl region. One thousand patients were examined in the movement disorders outpatient clinics in 2007–2010. We used standard criteria for the diagnostics of extrapyramidal disorders and the following scales: UPDRS, Hoehn–Yahr and Schwab–England. On observation, 53% of patients were from Yaroslavl and 37% from the Yaroslavl region. 474 (47%) patients were diagnosed with Parkinson disease, 62 (6.2%) with vascular parkinsonism, 17 (1.7%) with parkinsonism-plus, 8 (0.8%) with neuroleptic parkinsonism, 1 (0.1%) with post-encephalitic parkinsonism and 1 (0.1%) with parkinsonism caused by brain tumor. Women prevailed among Parkinson’s disease patients (1 : 1.5). Most patients (71%) were from 60 to 75 years of age. 18% of patients had stage 5 of PD, 50% had stage 2, 27% had stage 3 and 5% had stage 4. A mixed form of the disease prevailed (71%); an akinetic-rigid form (23%) and a trembling form (5%) occurred more rarely. In 58% of patients an intermediate rate of progression was observed, in 22% of patients progression was rapid and in 20% of patients it was slow. In general, our results correspond to international findings. Activity of a specialized movement disorders center improve diagnostics, treatment and quality of life of patients with Parkinson’s disease.


About the authors

N. V. Pizova

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (Yaroslavl)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

M. A. Bykanova

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (Yaroslavl)

Russian Federation

E. V. Kurapin

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (Yaroslavl)

Russian Federation

A. Yu. Kоvalchuk

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (Yaroslavl)

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2011 Pizova N.V., Bykanova M.A., Kurapin E.V., Kоvalchuk A.Y.

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