Clinical-electroencephalographic analysis of early stages of Parkinson’s disease

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The article is devoted to the detection of neurophysiologic features of early stages of Parkinson’s disease (PD) by using computerized electroencephalography (EEG). The obtained data illustrated that even early stages of PD were characterized by changes in the brain bioelectric activity. Patients with a trembling form demonstrated the increase of relative power in the delta and theta frequency range, the decrease of alpha-rhythm peak frequency and the increase of the ratio alpha-1/alpha-3. An akinetic-rigid form was characterized by the reduction of spectral (absolute and relative) power in the beta1-and beta2-bands. Right-side onset of the disease was associated with more severe disturbances of the EEG (particularly in an akinetic-rigid form), with the lack of differences between groups in duration of the disease, age at onset and severity of symptoms, which may be of prognostic importance in early stages of PD. The dynamics of EEG parameters included the increase of slow wave activity power and the reduction of spectral power in the beta frequency range regardless of ongoing treatment and particular group of dications.


About the authors

N. V. Titova

Russian State Medical University (Moscow)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

Е. A. Katunina

Russian State Medical University (Moscow)

Russian Federation

O. M. Oleinikova

Russian State Medical University (Moscow)

Russian Federation

Yu. V. Lagutin

Russian State Medical University (Moscow)

Russian Federation

Yu. N. Bezdolny

Russian State Medical University (Moscow)

Russian Federation

G. N. Avakyan

Russian State Medical University (Moscow)

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2010 Titova N.V., Katunina Е.A., Oleinikova O.M., Lagutin Y.V., Bezdolny Y.N., Avakyan G.N.

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