Using myographic biofeedback in rehabilitation of patient with neurological disease (review of literature and own results)

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This article represents a review of literature concerning the efficiency of myographic biofeedback training in rehabilitation of movement disorders after stroke, brain and spinal injury, as well as after traumatic lesion of peripheral nerves or in case of tension type headache. We also present the results of our study of 46 patients with different pathologies of nervous system before and after the biofeedback training course. Indications for leading the sessions of bio-control and possibilities in optimisation of the method are discussed.


About the authors

I. V. Sidyakina

Center of restoration medicine and rehabilitation Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Russian Federation (Moscow)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

V. V. Ivanov

Center of restoration medicine and rehabilitation Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Russian Federation (Moscow)

Russian Federation

T. V. Schapovalenko

Center of restoration medicine and rehabilitation Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Russian Federation (Moscow)

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2011 Sidyakina I.V., Ivanov V.V., Schapovalenko T.V.

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